View Full Version : Niggers were late to the opioid crisis because racist, but they're catching up..

03-09-2018, 07:02 AM
This epidemic started in white suburban and rural areas where people are overdosing mostly with prescription medicine like Percocet and OxyContin. Chapman says that African-American patients have historically been less likely to be prescribed pain narcotics.

"The theory is that African-Americans tolerate pain better. That's a myth," Chapman says. But it probably saved blacks from falling victim to the initial opioid crisis, he says.

Nationally, the drug death rate is also rising most steeply among African-Americans. Among blacks in urban counties, deaths rose by 41 percent in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


03-10-2018, 01:26 PM
Niggers can turn anything into raysis. Besides, niggers don't get prescribed pain killers because they do not go to doctors. They just go right to the crack they are already smoking. You need to really take a lot of the pain killers to OD though. It is rarely an accident if you are taking them as prescribed. I have taken opioid pain killers a few times and I honestly do not like how they make me feel. I do not see how people can use them for a high. I like the fact it relaxes you and dulls the pain but for me they turn my stomach and I feel like I am going to vomit the whole time. I had Dilaudid once at the hospital and I felt like I was going to die. I could barely breathe. That shit is potent.

This is just another method for weed legalization. I am not really for or against it but when people talk about how much of a miracle weed is I have to roll my eyes. It may have some benefits but is not side effect free and not good for you either. The drug companies of course do not want it legal because in the mild cases where pain that could be managed with it would really impact their profit. But we are taking pain that probably could be managed with some advil. Of course they will bring up the mythical child that has 500 seizures a day but when on weed has only 1 or 2. In the end I would probably vote for it but I see it as something like alcohol. Keep it out of work and do not drive or do it in public. Let the niggers have it and tax them.