View Full Version : A white 4th grade kid, dressed as Colin Powell for Nigger History Month, in blackface is racist..

03-07-2018, 07:37 PM
A photo of a Miami Catholic school student wearing blackface sparked complaints from alumni after it was shared on the school’s website and on its social media accounts.

The photo was taken at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School in southwest Miami-Dade County during a February Black History Month celebration in which fourth-graders dressed up as famous African-Americans and gave presentations about their accomplishments. One student chose former Secretary of State Colin Powell and painted his face black as part of the costume.


Witch Doctor
03-07-2018, 07:42 PM
Fucking butthurt libturds :lol and good for the kid and his parents for pissing off the libturds.

03-07-2018, 08:20 PM
"If it ain't free shit then it must be racist & I am offended" the nigger's creed!

Cracka Jack
03-07-2018, 10:05 PM
Fucking cunt media uses this for a headline but won't show the kid in nig-face. Clickbait motherfuckers...... I hope they get raped and killed by their pet niggers.

Rape Ape
03-08-2018, 02:19 AM
He should have dressed up as a minstrel blackface golliwog pickaninny and said he was dressing as Buckwheat. :lol

03-08-2018, 05:57 AM
Fucking cunt media uses this for a headline but won't show the kid in nig-face.

He's in the class picture but you have to look really hard to see. I almost titled this "Can you spot the blackface?" :lol

03-08-2018, 11:54 AM

03-15-2018, 09:28 AM
He should have dressed up as a minstrel blackface golliwog pickaninny and said he was dressing as Buckwheat. :lol

How about a giant turd costume? When asked what he's supposed to be, he can reply, "Pick a nigger, any nigger."