View Full Version : Gun control is racist..

03-02-2018, 07:13 AM
Just as reliable as empty offerings of “thoughts and prayers,” some on the left will point to the racist history and application of gun control legislation — and highlight the deadliness of armed police.

the history of gun laws in disempowering and disenfranchising people of color. Reconstruction-era “black codes” in the South disarmed emancipated African-Americans in service of maintaining white supremacy. During the civil rights era, the 1967 Mulford Act prohibiting open carry was a direct (Republican-led) response to the Black Panther Party.


Cracka Jack
03-02-2018, 09:59 AM
Disenfranchised? Niggers are farm animals, brought here in chains to toil under the roasting hot sun. They have never held franchise.