View Full Version : Niggers, And Their Place In The Animal Kingdom.

02-27-2018, 09:53 PM
I was thinking about something this afternoon. We here are always observing (correctly) that niggers aren't human. While this is true, it's also fair to say that they really aren't at the level of Amoeba, either. Which begs the question, what animal on this earth is the nigger most closely related to? If you had to pick one animal's behavior that the nigger emulates, which animal would it be?

For myself, my pick would be the Lion.

Before you laugh, think about it. Think of all the behaviors that a nigger and a lion have in common.

They both think their Kings. (it's a well established fact that any cat think its fucking royalty, just ask my wife)
They both fuck every female within range.
They both eat the majority of the food that the females go out and obtain.
When not fucking or eating, they lay on their asses all day, and prowl around at night looking for trouble.
They both shoot off their respective mouths, and let the same females do all the serious fighting.
They both ignore their offspring, until the moment that offspring challenges them.
It takes very little to provoke either into a killing mood.
Depending on the specific sample, both can weigh in excess of 400 pounds.
Both are a bitch to spot at night.
The darker each one is, the more testosterone each has. (with lions, the darker the mane...)
They males all want to be in charge, without actually doing anything 'being in charge' implies.
When humans are involved with either, there is a need for the use of a whip.
Humans have an overwhelming desire to shoot both. (Trayvon, Cecil the Lion, etc...)

In fact, the only real difference between the two is that one is bi-pedal, and allowed to roam around freely among humans. That, and while a pack of lions is called a 'pride', a pack of niggers is still just called a pack of niggers. Or convicts. Or a basketball team.

Rape Ape
02-27-2018, 10:14 PM
The cockroach. Definitely the cockroach.

Cracka Jack
02-27-2018, 10:41 PM
Niggers are not related in any way shape or form to any other creature on Earth.

(Atheists, bear with me here).

Some divine power/being, (we'll just refer to as God), created the universe, and all of the mind boggling complexity, and structure, and life that we see around us.

Satan, (or some "anti-God", call it "The Dark Side of the Force", fucking whatever...) got it's panties in a bunch because IT was not God, so in an act of defiance, it produced niggers from it's asshole. This "anti-God", Satan, (or what ever your believe system chooses to call it), shat niggers into existence in order to spite what the true creator of the universe had produced.

Follow me here? Some mid-level manager got pissed off that it was not the boss, so it shit niggers with the intensity of cosmic explosive diarrhea all over the Earth in a temper tantrum....

Ok... I'm talking out of my ass you say.... Really? Let me offer some supporting evidence to my theory.

Name me one creature on Earth (besides coalburners and democrats) that does not despise niggers?

Take your time...... I'll be right here.. :lol

02-27-2018, 11:28 PM
Personally I would have to say niggers are very close to Bed Bugs or Ticks, all 3 (including niggers) suck blood and feed off the host, they depend and rely on the host to keep them alive. With out the host they die.

02-28-2018, 01:46 AM
The cockroach. Definitely the cockroach.

Yeah, along with the leech.