View Full Version : Oildriller and his sow "sell everything" to travel around in a van for the rest of their lives

02-27-2018, 07:50 PM
Noami and Dusting Grevemberg, both 35, grew tired of a conventional life and wanted more. Two years ago, the couple sold all their belongings, quit their jobs, invested in a van, and hit the road. They haven’t looked back since.

“We were unfulfilled living a life of consumerism and redundancy,” the Grevembergs tell Yahoo Lifestyle. “We needed to shake things up and travel tends to do that. It has challenged us and forced us out of our comfort zones, educated us in a hands-on way, and given us a perspective of ourselves that we didn’t have before and couldn’t find in our previous life.”

Leaving their belongings behind and becoming minimalists, they say, has brought a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment to their lives.


The real story: it was only a matter of time before the sow drove them to bankruptcy and losing their house, which is why they're now living out of a Vanagon (a crappy enough van when new). They cover up their colossal failure at life with all those empty phrases, trying to convince themselves they're wiser and wealthier.

And that white fucker is only 35? Looks more like 55.


02-28-2018, 12:07 AM
And to no surprise, the beta fag looks just like the poster twerp for a granola eating, suburu driving libtard

02-28-2018, 12:54 AM
I don't even want to imagine how that van smells...

02-28-2018, 01:42 AM
And to no surprise, the beta fag looks just like the poster twerp for a granola eating, suburu driving libtard

Hey, hey there buckaroo. Ultra conservative, prior military, white straight female here. Don't hold my subaru against moi (need that all wheel drive).:lol

02-28-2018, 05:34 AM
Hey, hey there buckaroo. Ultra conservative, prior military, white straight female here. Don't hold my subaru against moi (need that all wheel drive).:lol

Okay then. We'll go with a Prius:lol

Moolie Mook
02-28-2018, 03:32 PM
I thought you had to leash your pets when out in public... :lol