View Full Version : If you arm teachers they're gonna shoot the niggers..

02-24-2018, 07:35 PM
CNN political commentator Van Jones suggested Thursday that armed teachers would be more likely to use guns against African-American and Latino students than their white classmates.

Jones said. "African-American and Latino kids already get treated fairly badly in schools as it is. They're more likely to be seen as a threat. They're more likely to be expelled, more likely to be suspended for the exact same behavior. Videotape the exact same behavior: ‘This kid is a threat; this kid is a class clown if they're white.'"



02-24-2018, 07:36 PM

100% Not A Nigger
02-24-2018, 09:31 PM
Not seeing the problem here.

You said it before me.

Cracka Jack
02-24-2018, 11:11 PM
:lmao :rofl :lol

How can I make this happen NOW???


Rape Ape
02-25-2018, 04:36 AM
That's the point, isn't it? :lmao

02-26-2018, 01:17 AM
'They told me I needed to graduate this illiterate nigger, so I did'...I can hear it now...