View Full Version : White men refusing to watch football are racist..

02-07-2018, 08:04 AM
Declining interest in the National Football League has been a closely covered topic throughout the last season, but an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll delved into demographics behind the drop — and it found that white people, specifically white men, are the biggest culprits.


Moolie Mook
02-07-2018, 11:29 AM
"Culprits"? Like it's some criminal offense to not watch a bunch of sub-humans act like the pieces of shit that they are and disrespect the country that provides them the opportunity to get paid millions of dollars for playing a game.

If it's so bad here, go back to Africa and start you own all-nigger league... maybe you'll get paid with dirt cookies.


Rape Ape
02-07-2018, 06:14 PM
A business craps all over their most affluent customers, and the customers go away. Who knew?

Maybe if the NFL had told their overfed nigger pets to protest on their own goddamn time, it would have been different. Too late now, though. I think I'll stick to the Chuck E Cheese mandingo fights on Liveleak. :lol

Cracka Jack
02-07-2018, 06:21 PM
Wonder what they would say about someone who tells niggerball fans that they should quit the nigger worship?

02-16-2018, 01:05 AM
“That demographic group that has long been a crucial component of the league’s fan base, as anyone who watches the string of beer, pizza and car commercials during an NFL game might guess.”

And commercials stacked to the rafters with heroic magic niggers with white women fawning and licking their hands, while white cuck men stood with their hands in their pockets, THAT didn't have anything to do with the decline in white male viewership, is that it?

Buck Simian
02-16-2018, 03:29 AM
If some famous feetsball nigger got hit so hard he was paralyzed I might watch.