View Full Version : Bar owned by lesboons goes under, they blame "white supremacy"

01-28-2018, 06:45 PM
A brewery in Asheville, North Carolina, that boasted it was black and queer woman-owned, shut down, and offered this reason for the closing: “white supremacy.”

Black Star Line Brewing Co. of Hendersonville was one of numerous breweries near the city of Asheville; according to exploreasheville.com the city has more breweries per capita than any U.S. city.

But last week the brewery bemoaned its closing on Facebook. On Monday, the brewery stated, “Like many people of color on this land, displacement at the hands of white supremacists policies and institutions is not past, but present.”

Company founder L.A. McCrae complained to Munchies, “White supremacy shut us down. Our world has been rocked,” although McCrae admitted that the brewery had been underfunded when it opened last summer. She claimed a lender had given the brewery $50,000 but the brewery could not contact the lender before the brewery was evicted from its premises.



Sheboon DeLuxe
01-28-2018, 09:36 PM
...the brewery claimed it had suffered numerous break-ins. Mountain Express reported that when vandals damaged the brewery’s equipment...

I see two possibilities here:

1) The White Supremacists broke in and stole the equipment, 'cuz rayciss.

2) Niggers broke in and stole the copper and brass to sell for scrap to buy crack and booze, 'cuz they're niggers.

I wonder which it was?

01-29-2018, 12:43 PM
Naturally the boons probably only served Malt Liquor