View Full Version : Sad-looking Housing Project Niggers Have No Heat or Gas

01-19-2018, 11:04 PM
That's what happens when you rely on the government for your housing needs. They probably only pay 20-30% of market rate rent. You get what you pay for. Enlarge the image and see how sad they look. :lol

Perhaps government housing does serve a purpose though. It keeps filth like this out of my neighborhood.


01-19-2018, 11:10 PM
Get a job.

Lynch Tree
01-19-2018, 11:30 PM
Put on a jacket and quit whining you freeloading niggers! YT bucks probably paid for that too.

Buck Simian
01-20-2018, 06:57 AM
Miss Collins is upset because she has no heat:


Everyone check out her youtube channel and leave her some kind words of encouragement. She has dozens of videos where she is crying about her free nigger nest. No heat, water has lead in it, asbestos, the list goes on.


Dontavius Farooq
01-20-2018, 07:28 AM
Mayor de Blasio to blame “decades” of past neglect, just days after he was sworn into his second, four-year term

This is the best case of "niggers get what they deserve" I've seen in quite a while short of those in New Orleans and Chicago that suffer from severe "gun" violence.

I wonder how many "heatless" niggers that piece of liberal garbage mayor has invited into his own home.

Egypt Thom (right) and her friend Empriss Caughman

Unless those are two LezBoonz, not pictured are their male boon-friends with warrants, their illegal gunz, and ten pairs of "Air Jordanz" which are all stashed in the closet for this "photo-shoot."

01-20-2018, 09:01 AM
May I suggest kerosene heaters (make sure you close all doors and windows when using them) for safety sake.

Cracka Jack
01-20-2018, 10:24 AM
OMG!! those poor helpless blacks had to go ALMOST 18 hours without heat!!!

Give the niggers some pallets to bust up, a quart of gas and matches.

Call Me Bwana
01-20-2018, 12:14 PM
When I look at those two sows sitting there I think, “what did they do to earn anything they have?” Did they build anything? Did they render a service of any kind? Did they assist someone to make someone else’s life better? Likely answer: Oh, hell no!! They expect to housed, kept warm, and fed, all because some fuck-monkey-buck screwed their mother 20 years earlier and then took off.

The home I have I earned the money to pay off. The food I have I saved for decades to have a retirement for. The things I have I have worked for my entire life to enjoy.

Those niggers would be sent back to good ole Africa if it were up to me.

Cracka Jack
01-20-2018, 12:42 PM
When I look at those two sows sitting there I think, “what did they do to earn anything they have?” Did they build anything? Did they render a service of any kind? Did they assist someone to make someone else’s life better? Likely answer: Oh, hell no!! They expect to housed, kept warm, and fed, all because some fuck-monkey-buck screwed their mother 20 years earlier and then took off.

The home I have I earned the money to pay off. The food I have I saved for decades to have a retirement for. The things I have I have worked for my entire life to enjoy.

Those niggers would be sent back to good ole Africa if it were up to me.

That is an excellent point. Niggers contribute NOTHING to society. I make a point of reminding other humans of this whenever the opportunity arises.

Odin's balls
01-20-2018, 01:34 PM
As a mechical engineer, I believe the problem here may be niggers trying to cut into the gas supply to syphon off free gas.

Strainers are usually only present in fluid systems.

How does a 'gas' supply need a strainer? Any impurities are burned off by the ignition process.

Restricting the flow of gas with a strainer would be surplus to requirements.

Therefore: Niggers.

01-20-2018, 05:30 PM
As soon as the photo was snapped they went right back to muh poosey, lets get sum mo welfare.

Tar Remover
01-21-2018, 12:46 AM
Awwwwww.......... the poor niggers....... Fuck those useless welfare recipient cock receptacles.

Gul Dukat
01-21-2018, 12:50 AM
Resident Egypt Thom (right) and her friend Empriss Caughman, sit by a space heater wrapped in blankets trying to stay warm.

They be Empresses and Kangz of Egypt and sheeit.

You want heat, park your hooptie inside and run the motor.

01-21-2018, 01:25 PM
They be Empresses and Kangz of Egypt and sheeit.

You want heat, park your hooptie inside and run the motor.

Yes, and they need to run a hose from the exhaust back into the car, then roll up all windows, to recycle the heat.

01-21-2018, 06:42 PM
Yes, and they need to run a hose from the exhaust back into the car, then roll up all windows, to recycle the heat.

If niggers could think that far we would see this a lot more because they wouldn't think it through to the end. I think the gubmint should give them free kerosene heaters they can put under the blankets with them.

Buck Simian
01-24-2018, 01:55 PM
-Oh, and nice framed target silhouette in the first pic, niggers. Way to show off your TNB....

They had a original Rembrandt framed there and some YT man broke in and took it!

01-24-2018, 06:04 PM
Did anyone notice the ghetto lobster cooker in the picture? Steam RADIATORS are great for boiled or grilled lobster.

SC Anemia
01-24-2018, 08:09 PM
May I suggest kerosene heaters (make sure you close all doors and windows when using them) for safety sake.

I noticed the electric space heater is touching that blanket. I'm hoping for a power spike. Gnomesayin?