View Full Version : Capetown niggers are running out of water

01-19-2018, 06:34 PM
There is nothing, nothing niggers get from human civilization that they don't ruin or run out of. Whites were the first to live in South Africa, whites built the cities, whites installed the plumbing, and the niggers are going to run out of water anyway. Even the most libtarded American coastal city would never have to worry, because water could be trucked in while engineers build large-scale desalinizers. There are YouTube videos on how to make your own, or you can buy them from Amazon.

After three years of unprecedented drought, the South African city of Cape Town has less than 90 days worth of water in its reservoirs, putting it on track to be the first major city in the world to run out of water. Unless residents drastically cut down on daily use, warns Cape Town Mayor Patricia De Lille, taps in the seaside metropolis of four million will soon run dry. On April 22, to be exact. Here’s what to know:

The city has capped household water usage at 87 liters (23 gallons) per person, per day. For most homes, that means keeping showers under 2 minutes, no watering the garden or washing the car, refraining from flushing the toilet unless absolutely necessary, recycling bathing water where possible and severely limiting dishwasher and washing machine use. Water storage tanks are already on backorder, unwashed hair is now a symbol of upright citizenship, and public restrooms are festooned with admonishments to “let it mellow.”


If the shitskins can't do any of those things, what's the difference between how they were before?

Dem Capetown niggers gonna thirst
Do dah, do dah

Cracka Jack
01-19-2018, 07:35 PM
The filthy parasites will get by on grape soda and gibs, just like they always do.

Not flushing toilets is something they're already mastered.

01-19-2018, 09:51 PM
Being a ham radio operator and when conditions are right I get to talk to these places and get different perspectives not sanitized by the media. One named Otto told me before South Africa was given to the niggers he said it was a beautiful place. No crime and it was safe because niggers weren't allowed in the cities at night. Now they have Iron bars over their windows, Steel doors and a shotgun in every room. The farmers in the sticks are really fucked because they are so far from help.

01-20-2018, 05:18 PM
Not washing their hair, not flushing the toilet, not showering are all things niggers already do. I bet it will be raysis and we will have to shovel money in to help these niggers, as always. It wont be fast enough, it wont be enough until we build and maintain it for them and it will be thanks Trumps felt it's to done until its done and then it will be thanks to the former HNIC.

01-21-2018, 10:19 AM
Was watching a documentary made years ago when the true nature of the nigger animal was allowed to be shown. Some do-gooder missionary fuckheads had drilled a well and installed a pump in a village. The pump had broken and the coons were out of water. The documentarist asked the niggers what was wrong. The niggers told him that no-one had come to fix it yet. None of them had ever considered trying to fix it themselves.

Gul Dukat
01-21-2018, 10:58 AM
I bet some libtard soy boy will hold a sign saying, no water, no peace.

Could it be South Africa is s***hole, too?

01-21-2018, 01:24 PM
Was watching a documentary made years ago when the true nature of the nigger animal was allowed to be shown. Some do-gooder missionary fuckheads had drilled a well and installed a pump in a village. The pump had broken and the coons were out of water. The documentarist asked the niggers what was wrong. The niggers told him that no-one had come to fix it yet. None of them had ever considered trying to fix it themselves.

You'd have better luck driving up to a baboon tribe to have them change the oil and rotate the tires. At least the Pacific cargo cults went through the motions of airstrips, instead of expecting the gods to just give things out of the sky.