View Full Version : Eric Clapton is sorry he was rayciss..

01-12-2018, 08:43 AM
I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white. I used to be into dope, now I’m into racism. It’s much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans and fucking… don’t belong here, we don’t want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don’t want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. We are a white country. I don’t want fucking wogs living next to me with their standards. This is Great Britain, a white country. What is happening to us, for fuck’s sake?”

“I was so ashamed of who I was, a kind of semi-racist, which didn’t make sense. Half of my friends were black, I dated a black woman and I championed black music.”


justin igger
01-12-2018, 09:35 AM
I liked the old Clapton better. Now he is a doddering libtard trying to save a legacy that he imagines would be tarnished by truth.

Lynch Tree
01-12-2018, 10:10 AM

Wrong link



Professor Homeslice
01-12-2018, 10:40 AM
Clapton may be ashamed of being drunk at time of this rant.

But Enoch Powell was a gentleman scholar whose intellect and integrity greatly outshined current politicians.

01-12-2018, 12:44 PM
Wrong link




01-12-2018, 01:35 PM
He went from speaking the truth to being a nigger loving apologist. Something tells me he still feels the same but his love of his image means more than how he really feels. The truth hurts. They don't want us there and if for whatever fucked up reason YT started moving into these countries in droves, do these liberals think for one second that they would be changing their laws and ways to adjust for us? Do they think we would get a trial if we went on a rampage in one of these ass lifter or nigger countries?

01-13-2018, 05:32 AM

Cracka Jack
01-15-2018, 08:15 PM
Trying to get his washed up old ass invited to the wedding of that halfwit royal and it's nigger concubine.

Moolie Mook
01-15-2018, 08:48 PM
I will note his career was better when he was a racist... :lol

09-23-2020, 12:23 AM
There is a point of view that is being accepted, "hopefully just tolerated for the moment," that the red headed stepchild and his nigger bitch are part of the monarchy. I just wonder when granny looks down at Archie and sees those lips and nostrils if she can handle it while bouncing the sprog on her knee. That is one thing but eventually the nigger bitch is going to put the bite on granny for some monetary form of acceptance like a spare castle not in use or maybe a new structure to house the zoo. This nigger acceptance hits the best of families and society is guaranteed to force it down their throats or be vilified in the social register.

09-23-2020, 08:36 AM
Hate to see this, a person near end of life apologizing like a coward, just for speaking the truth.
What is London now like 60 percent black or indian and no one thinks that is strange. And of course there is more crime for some "unknown" reason and its not safe to walk the streets alone at night.
But a lot of these musicians they do try to sound like niggers, because its "cool" ... and Clapton most definitely did that.
You can't ever take back what you say anyways so apologizing just makes you look weak, to everyone.
But if it helps him sleep better at night whatever, never was much of a fan.
However there's nothing wrong with saying England should stay English. I wish more people would say this.

I will say it!! That INCLUDES ALL of the UK. DEPORT mudslimes and niggers!!

Jim Crow
09-23-2020, 07:57 PM
I used to like Eric Clapton before he became an oil drilling apologetic kiss ass.

09-23-2020, 08:30 PM
Just trying to keep his name semi-relevant