View Full Version : It's gonna be the most important movie of Black History Mumf..

01-07-2018, 12:49 PM
people are already calling the still-unseen movie one of the most important of 2018, despite the fact that the character that has only appeared once on the silver screen

“Black Panther” viewing parties are being scheduled around the country for its February release, smack dab in the middle of Black History Month. Clothing lines are being designed around the bright colors and Afrofuturism styles of Wakanda.


Sheboon DeLuxe
01-07-2018, 01:22 PM
Black Panther's super powers include: Can carry a 65" Flat Screen TV with one arm, can eat a watermelon in a single bite, laser vision can fry a chicken from 50 feet away, and he's immune to work.


animal mother
01-07-2018, 01:32 PM

Its kryptonite is job applications.

01-07-2018, 02:06 PM
Nobody mentioned his most important power. He can muh dik at will passing his powers onto his spawn.

This is the last time a nigger was given super powers.


Cracka Jack
01-07-2018, 02:29 PM
Darned amazing that people with an average IQ of 70 are once again given the World Stage by intelligent white people trying to buy the love and future mercy of non-altrusitic sub-Saharan Africans.


Rape Ape
01-07-2018, 07:18 PM
If he's in trouble with they diabolical raycis YT poh leese, he can magically sprout the wings of a bat and use his magical 'Gypshun flyin' powers.

01-07-2018, 07:56 PM
There are toys coming out for the movie. Now niglets can run around, jump up and down like chimps, and shout "WE BE KANGS AN SHEET!"

But these will be bought only by cuck parents wracked with white guilt. Niggers would never bother because that would take away from the KFC money, and niglets can just steal them anyway. Expect white kids to get beaten up for having these toys (in this case they'd deserve it) while niglets scream "Dat be stealin muh culcha!"


01-07-2018, 08:19 PM
There are toys coming out for the movie. Now niglets can run around, jump up and down like chimps, and shout "WE BE KANGS AN SHEET!"

But these will be bought only by cuck parents wracked with white guilt. Niggers would never bother because that would take away from the KFC money, and niglets can just steal them anyway. Expect white kids to get beaten up for having these toys (in this case they'd deserve it) while niglets scream "Dat be stealin muh culcha!"


Please, oh PLEASE let there be a live leak video of some nigger "teen" fighting a cop with one of those masks on right before it gets properly ventilated. I am gonna go get an adrenaline kit now because I will likely die laughing.

01-16-2018, 01:28 PM
The kang's warriors are buck-sows, literally spearchuckers.


Call Me Bwana
01-16-2018, 04:35 PM

Wouldn’t that mask be more reasonable and accurate if it had lips the size of cucumbers?

01-16-2018, 05:42 PM
Oh please, I saw a tagline that essentially, he is the richest super hero ever, has super powers that are still not known. Talk about a load of shit...

01-18-2018, 03:10 AM
There are toys coming out for the movie. Now niglets can run around, jump up and down like chimps, and shout "WE BE KANGS AN SHEET!"

But these will be bought only by cuck parents wracked with white guilt. Niggers would never bother because that would take away from the KFC money, and niglets can just steal them anyway. Expect white kids to get beaten up for having these toys (in this case they'd deserve it) while niglets scream "Dat be stealin muh culcha!"


The only niggers that will EVER be wearing this mask will be wearing it during the commission of some crime. Hell, this could become the nigger 'Guy Fawkes' mask for the Antifa/BLM crowd...