View Full Version : White welfare queen feeds her dog lobster

Gul Dukat
12-21-2017, 08:38 PM
Not sure if it's been posted before.

A white trash welfare queen feeds her dog lobster, paid for by taxpayers.


This is what being integrated with niggers for the past 40 years did to white people.
Being around them will develop the same attitudes and entitlement mentality as them.

12-21-2017, 10:29 PM
Talks just like a sow, surprised?

Rape Ape
12-21-2017, 11:59 PM
I wonder if this is staged. I'm actually glad she's making a video mocking the taxpayers. Maybe someone will finally get pissed off about this shit. This type of thing is common. You'll get some working guy shacking up with a welfare queen and not telling the government, so then they buy lobster, tenderloin, and king crab legs with their goddamn EBT card.

My solution is to let them starve to death and cut off all welfare and gibsmedat nigger payments entirely. But America is too pussified and cucked to do that, so I'd settle for implementing strict "workfare" where in order to get these damn benefits, you have to get up at 5AM and go to a central location, and either do useful work, or sit on your ass in a boring empty room doing busy work. No more lounging around at home watching TV all day or playing video games. No more cigarettes. Test for nicotine and no welfare if positive. No more booze. Breathalyzer when you show up at Workfare Daycare. No drugs. Fail a drug test, it's the chain gang. Not even jail. The chain gang, like cool hand luke. You want privacy? You want freedom? You want cigs/booze? Then get a job, damn it!

12-22-2017, 02:22 AM
-To be honest, because it's on my dime, I'd feed that dog lobster too before I'd feed that piece of shit.

I am with you on that, I’ll add the filet mignon and the four legged dog can have a surf and turf dinner. As for the piece of shit white trash...different story.

12-22-2017, 09:16 AM
On disability for depression... I am not mocking depression. it is a real thing but she doesn't look like she can't work to me. You shouldn't qualify for gibs because you are sad. Lots of depressed people work for a living. She looks like a typical liberal taking advantage of a flawed system. If she doesn't burn coal, she knows some niggers who probably do this same shit as her.

Tar Remover
12-23-2017, 05:47 PM
Scumbag ugly nigger loving puke cunt bitch loony POS.:mudshark