View Full Version : Tranny buck complains it wasn't allowed to use the women's changing room

12-18-2017, 01:32 AM
Well, the nigger shouldn't have been allowed to change with the men either.

The fashion retailer, owned by Sir Philip Green, revealed it has already introduced the policy after performance artist Travis Alabanza, who identifies as trans feminine, claims they were asked to use a male changing room.

Travis was shopping with friends in Manchester when they decided to try on dresses in the female changing rooms in one of the firm's stores.

But said staff told them to use the male changing rooms downstairs instead.

"I was quite upset - it ruined my day."


Why was its day ruined, because it couldn't try to take pictures of vulnerable women, or try to muh dikk them? That's the real reason all these nigger trannies, humans too, want to change with the women. Nigger bucks usually prefer the DL, but they still will muh dikk any females they can, especially white women.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2017/11/08/TELEMMGLPICT000146052107-xlarge_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bq7Sdce1CwC8s2CSN3_EqjTD_h7 wpwgVv2Zydbmw1cxw0.jpeg

12-18-2017, 01:40 AM
I keep photos of these nigger trannies on my cell phone in a folder called "The diet that works". Every time I feel the need to eat McNiggers or the like I just open up the folder and I am not hungry anymore.

12-18-2017, 11:05 AM
Quick......Kill it with fire.... and look where it takes a picture, in the kids book section. Can we say kiddie diddler.


Buck Simian
12-18-2017, 06:12 PM
That thing is disgusting. I bet it hangs out in the children's section of the library waiting for little boys to prey on.

12-18-2017, 06:21 PM
My concern is for the human women that might try on a dress that this AIDS carrier wore. Hopefully their noses would pick up his stench and they would not.

Gul Dukat
12-18-2017, 07:11 PM
Quick......Kill it with fire.... and look where it takes a picture, in the kids book section. Can we say kiddie diddler.


They all try and get to kids. Gotta get them turned when they're young.
