View Full Version : Asslifters play their music and wave Palestinian flags to disrupt a German Christmas market

12-18-2017, 01:16 AM
Yesterday evening, a new video was posted on the Facebook page of the local branch of Germany’s populist AfD party. On the page they say the video shows a Christmas Market in the German town of Bad Doberan (Weihnachtsmarkt in Bad Doberan).

While a man films secretly from his car, loud Arabic music is being heard and a group of people are waiving Palestinian flags. It clearly looks like a pro-Palestinian protest or a provocative way to make a statement. A reply on the post shows probably the same group walking with the same flags through the German town.

“These people know that those cowardly Germans will do nothing about it”


I don't completely agree with that last part. There are some Germans who want to do something about it, but that fucking fotze Merkel will have them thrown in jail.

12-18-2017, 01:38 AM
Fuck'em. They voted for this shit. This is what you get for giving them "sanctuary". Did they think they were going to embrace all the christian and even the non christian beliefs of the west? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Enjoy the diversity you assholes. It doesn't matter how you vote now. You let the rabid fox in the henhouse and now you are not going to get it out.

12-18-2017, 01:45 AM
Not all of them voted that way, though. Remember the HNIC years? You and I aren't to blame for them, we were just outvoted. That's why I have sympathy for any Germans who knew the danger and always opposed what their government was doing.

12-18-2017, 02:01 AM
True. But I think in our case the vote was a lot closer. Germany has been kind of fucked for a long time though. Seems like a lot of the newer generation will do anything to distance themselves from a past they were not a part of. I do in a way feel bad for "some" of them but for the most part in any country you go to it is the people who did not vote who are typically the ones complaining the most. Times are really changing. It used to be that the newer generation did not vote and it was all the older people voting. Now the better generation is dying off and we are left with baby boomers on up who make up a large portion voters who of course are mostly left wingers and white guilt cucks.

I remember growing up as a kid the whole town would be decorated for Christmas. Yea we had a Kwanza here or a Hanukkah there but for the most part they stayed silent and everyone just enjoyed their holiday time. Not anymore now... Christmas is exclusionary and we are not allowed because %1 of the population is offended so all liberals are in effect offended. No Christmas but soon we will have Ramadan and no stores will be allowed to sell food during the day because... You know what I am getting at. Also all other fake holidays like Kwanza will still be ok...

12-18-2017, 09:12 AM
It's just as bad even when it's only a handful of people across the country. Whether they vote or not, they're still outnumbered. It's the small towns that are hit the worst and have the most complaints, because suddenly they have an equal number of asslifters moving in, but big cities aren't completely lost either. Everyone else is reveling in cuckery and communism, and the ones with sanity have to hope things get better, or emigrate for a better life. The problem is, where can they go? Maybe like the Jewish part of my family that left Europe (there was a lot of anti-Semitic violence long before Hitler), these Germans can come to the U.S. for a better life. That is, while Trump is in charge.

09-30-2024, 12:05 AM
...This is what you get for giving them "sanctuary". Did they think they were going to embrace all the christian and even the non christian beliefs of the west?...I often wonder if Balkan history is taught at school whatsoever? How is it possible that half a millenium of tyrrany can get overlooked. Even the former commissioner of Crusades is joining in on the desecration


Jim Crow
09-30-2024, 02:29 PM
It’s sad, but I think Germany and other European countries will soon be lost. The only way to take the country back is with bloodshed. And by eliminating the alpha males, liberals have doomed them! it’s all over!