View Full Version : Navy nigger caught in race hoax

justin igger
12-08-2017, 03:28 PM

Still says dindu nuffins.

But on Friday Cmdr. Dave Hecht, a spokesman for Naval Air Force Atlantic, said “a thorough investigation” conducted with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service found inconsistencies in the sailor’s account.

“A NCIS-supported command investigation following claims of racially-motivated vandalism aboard the (carrier) has determined that the alleged victim staged the incident himself,” Hecht said in an email.

“The United States Navy does not tolerate racial discrimination of any form and the well-being of our Sailors is our top priority,” Hecht said.

Hecht declined to identify the sailor because he was not charged with a crime, but said the sailor had “received appropriate administrative actions and additional counseling and training.”

Nigger gets slap on the wrist for trying to frame innocent white sailors for a "hate crime".

12-08-2017, 05:47 PM
Nigger Sailor = Toilet Scrubber ... Never knew a nigger that could get above 30% on the ASVAB

12-09-2017, 05:31 AM

Still says dindu nuffins.

Nigger gets slap on the wrist for trying to frame innocent white sailors for a "hate crime".

That is how it was when I was in. A nigger accuses you of discrimination or hate it is taken as if it already happened and when proven that it didn't, it might as well have. You are still guilty and there will be "training". The same with sexual harassment cases. While some cases are legit, you are guilty until proven innocent and then still guilty as a white male.

Guilty no matter what in some cases. This would result in a UCMJ article 134 charge. Something I am familiar with... In an unrelated case I had been charged with "communicating a threat" which falls under the same article. Even though there was no evidence but a 3rd party who's story changed a dozen times and all charges dropped against me, I still have on my permanent record that I was charged with it. Even though the person I supposedly threatened said it never happened, I was still guilty. Every time I re-up my security clearance, it comes up. Even though it was more than 10 years ago which is how far back they go for my level. Every time I go to buy a new firearm, I have to explain it. And yes... I was a nigger who accused me. One who's attitude I had recently had to knock down a peg.

You military folks want to guess which department he worked for?