View Full Version : Nigger claims to be the only one to complete training for SEALs, Rangers and USAF Tactical

12-07-2017, 06:42 PM
I'd never heard of this nigger before, David Goggins. Apparently it's famous because it's so awesome an sheet. Yeah right. You know all the claimed SEALs, Rangers and Green Berets we meet in bars? This nigger tops them all. It went into the SEALs because it happened to see them on TV, but it weighed 297 pounds and had to get into shape. It was so oppressed by racists while growing up.

If it really can runs ultra-marathons, why isn't it winning all the big ones? That's right, because then it would be caught cheating.

Here's some stuff from Wikipedia:

2008 – Kona Ironman World Championship – 11:24:00.940th place overall of 1634 finishers

Only in the middle of competitors. Pity it didn't rockfish.

Graduating high school with a 1.6 GPA

And that's with teachers pressured to give higher grades, so a school doesn't look bad!

In the late 1990s, after spending four years in the Air Force, Goggins, who weighed almost 300 pounds, was told that he was too heavy to make it through SEAL training. In less than three months, he returned weighing 190 pounds.[1]
In 2005, when he decided to run an ultramarathon to raise money for charity, he "weighed 280 pounds from years of power lifting...Eight months later, when I ran Kiehl's Badwater Ultramarathon, I weighed 177 pounds."[14][4]

Bullshit and fucking bullshit.



12-07-2017, 06:58 PM
I checked and he was a SEAL "SO" - Navy Special Operator 1st Class

"Goggins barely passed his SEAL physical screening test."

That means he was in the very bottom of BUD/S class

"The injury and illness forced him to start over twice and endure Hell Week three times before graduating as a member of Class 235 in 2001."

He was pushed through because of Affirmative Action. You fail Hell Week or Pass, there is NO start over.



12-07-2017, 07:28 PM
I checked and he was a SEAL "SO" - Navy Special Operator 1st Class

"Goggins barely passed his SEAL physical screening test."

That means he was in the very bottom of BUD/S class

"The injury and illness forced him to start over twice and endure Hell Week three times before graduating as a member of Class 235 in 2001."

He was pushed through because of Affirmative Action. You fail Hell Week or Pass, there is NO start over.



What a surprise! How the hell did he pass the swimming tests? Niggers are not known for their swimming skills.

12-07-2017, 09:09 PM
Need to get Don Shipley and his awesome hair on the case :lol Surprise, surprise, a VERY disproportionate number of the ones he calls out are niggers. Niggers lie? What a revelation!

Rape Ape
12-07-2017, 10:14 PM
What a surprise! How the hell did he pass the swimming tests? Niggers are not known for their swimming skills.

Affirmative action. They probably gave it water wings. :lmao

12-07-2017, 10:41 PM
Yeah right, with a little rubber ducky. Waste of protoplasm. His team mates are screwed.

Tar Remover
12-09-2017, 09:21 PM
Nope. There's a nigger in the woodpile somewhere......... But then again, I love our SEALs, but they should have stayed back in the shadows. They have too much recognition, and now the bats are coming to roost. Too high profile now, NEVER a good thing in their line of work.