View Full Version : These are the white allies to help you argue with the racists on Facebook..

12-06-2017, 08:17 PM

White Nonsense Roundup is a social media watchdog group with about 100 white volunteers. Its goal: to relieve people of color from the emotional labor of engaging with a person's racist or racially insensitive thoughts.

Say, a person of color makes a post about Black Lives Matter. Then others respond with ignorant or offensive comments. That person can tag White Nonsense RoundUp to snatch some edges -- or, better put, to educate people with context and fact-based views.


Cat fur allergic
12-06-2017, 11:40 PM
Sounds like they need to give niggers a bed in their home.

12-07-2017, 06:50 PM
The real racists on Facebook are the niggers I constantly see claiming to be superior, and accusing whites of stealing from them.