View Full Version : Nigger with a badge forces man to cut his dog's head off

Tyrone Shoelaces
12-05-2017, 02:15 PM
Blood stains at the end of the Crawford County, Georgia driveway had been covered up with sand Monday in the spot where a dog was beheaded with a kitchen knife early evening Friday.

Clumps of dog hair were still visible on the blood-soaked blue collar nearby.

Joe Nate Goodwin says he decapitated his 2-year-old dog at the behest of the sheriff’s deputies, who had been called out to the house earlier in the day after a neighbor was bitten on the leg.


Rape Ape
12-05-2017, 03:23 PM
As usual, no problems until the fucking nigger shows up.

And as usual, the nigger with the tin star shows the usual nigger propensity to dress like a fucking clown, even in a professional position. I'll bet the nigger's faggoty bow tie actually squirts water.

Just more proof that you should NEVER EVER put a nigger in any position of authority, power, or responsibility. Frankly, they all belong back in Africa.


12-05-2017, 05:01 PM
Jesus H. Christ, what are the niggers doing to poor dogs? Niggers be acting like mudslimes.

No way in hell would I have touched an animal with cruelty.