View Full Version : Two niglets throw down on each other in the middle of Kroger
Buck Simian
12-03-2017, 10:01 AM
I believe that is the term niggers use to describe a fight? Throw down? Am I right? But anyways in Kroger I spot two feral mini-bucks, probably age 10 and 12 or so. They are being led around by a Grandmammy Coalburner. A white woman who looked much too old to be the mother. No doubt the mudshark that shat them out just dumped them off on her. Well she could not handle these things at all. They were all out of control, running around in TNB. I do not know what sparked it but the next thing I know I hear screaming like a wounded animal. I look down this aisle and one of the niglets is on top of the other in ground and pound style. They are rolling around fighting like two stray tom cats in the alley. knocking stuff over, making a scene. The Grandmammy doesn't know what to do, she is just screaming stop it! stop it! stop it! and spinning in circles. These two were locked together like a buck on top of his burner. It lasted a few minutes then someone in a Kroger outfit and another man (plain closed security maybe) came over and helped separate them. Bad move, I know the nigger lotto will be played out here. One will claim it was injured. I see them as I am leaving at the front of the store with the Grandmammy on her phone and crying while these two men who pulled them apart are standing in between the shitskins. They both still look like they were ready to tear each other apart. White women can not handle the nigger child. These are not white children, these are wild animals. Now I hate to give credit to a nigger, but had these two been with a nigger mammy those two little shits would have never got that far. If they would have started fighting like that a sheboon would have been right in the middle of the fight and left them a bloody mess.
This actually is not the first time I have saw niglets fighting in stores. But those are other war stories I will save for another day.
12-04-2017, 07:41 AM
Best thing to do when two niggers are "throwing down" is to try and contain them without interrupting them. Minimize damage to products and threat to other customers. back in the day you could just grab each by the collar and toss them out on their ass. I don't think it is fr fetched that we will see in our lifetime it being against the law to even ask them to stop without finding yourself in a hate crime. I try to shop in as many majority white places as I can.
justin igger
12-05-2017, 09:34 AM
I bet white granny regrets not cutting that burner loose the first time she came home with a buck.
Buck Simian
12-05-2017, 10:26 AM
This takes me back to a similar incident I saw happen at a local mall 3-4 years ago. Some sheboon strolling through the mall with a herd of niglets following along, yacking on her sail foam and not watching her shit nuggets. The oldest niglet was a fat obese male, looked to be around 10 but already hitting 100 pounds. I noticed him shoving a female niglet who appeared to be under 5 around and smacking her in the back of the head, roughing her up. Now older brothers tend to tease little sisters, but this nigger was going too far. Next thing you know he picks her up by her throat and choke slams her, just like off wrestling. She bounced off of a bench and came down on the ground hard. I will never forget the look on his face, He stood over her looking down smirking as if proud of his latest action. My first instinct was to run over and see if she was ok, but then I remembered wait, these are niggers. Don't get involved. The mini-sow must have ate the last chicken wings up at the food court. I don't think the mammy knew or cared what happened to the kid. She was too busy on her phone to give a shit.
Bernie Goetz
12-05-2017, 11:07 AM
This takes me back to a similar incident I saw happen at a local mall 3-4 years ago. Some sheboon strolling through the mall with a herd of niglets following along, yacking on her sail foam and not watching her shit nuggets. The oldest niglet was a fat obese male, looked to be around 10 but already hitting 100 pounds. I noticed him shoving a female niglet who appeared to be under 5 around and smacking her in the back of the head, roughing her up. Now older brothers tend to tease little sisters, but this nigger was going too far. Next thing you know he picks her up by her throat and choke slams her, just like off wrestling. She bounced off of a bench and came down on the ground hard. I will never forget the look on his face, He stood over her looking down smirking as if proud of his latest action. My first instinct was to run over and see if she was ok, but then I remembered wait, these are niggers. Don't get involved. The mini-sow must have ate the last chicken wings up at the food court. I don't think the mammy knew or cared what happened to the kid. She was too busy on her phone to give a shit.
He was already in muh - dik mood.
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