View Full Version : Little Tikes Toys promoting coalburning.

Buck Simian
12-02-2017, 01:57 PM
Just browsing through the local Nigmart today and something caught my eye. A toy kitchen set. What is so unusual about that? The pictures on it. A cute little girl around 3 or 4 playing side by side with a niglet. If this wasn't bad enough I noticed a similar product, maybe the same thing in a different box with another little white girl and another buck niglet. Just go to your local store, I don't care if its Walmart, Target or whichever one. Next time you are in there look around at toy packages, and also at items for newborn babies such as cribs and strollers. You will see little white girls with niggers and white women with nigger babies.
I really hate to see this with Little Tikes. They make quality durable products. They did not sell out and move their factories overseas like virtually every other toy company has, they still make their products in the USA right in my home state of Ohio. I really don't think this is simply accidental. Most people probably don't catch onto this stuff, but it is everywhere. Subliminal messaging? Trying to get people to accept this without thinking about it through advertising? I don't think they just brought in a group of random children and snapped photos of them playing with the toys for their packaging. I believe someone behind the scenes intentionally said get a white girl and a black for our products.

Gul Dukat
12-02-2017, 02:01 PM
It's not just selling a product, they're selling the race mixing agenda. All advertisers do it. They've been doing this for ages.

Here's an ad from an old 1987 Nat Geo mag. What do you notice, a white couple with several white children. Makes you nostalgic for different times, not too long ago.
See how fast things went downhill, and how programmed people have become. If they put a burner and buck on the back cover, back then, people would have said "wtf"? and cancelled their
subscriptions. It was a gradual thing, then ramped up in the 2010's.


People, esp women, imitate what they see on tv and advertising. Red pilled women will attest to that. See mixed couple on tv, "okay it must be cool so I must do it".
In the 90's they brought on gay characters to change the perception of lbtgxyz people, (see Will and Grace). Now it's all trannies, all the time on tv and media.

They then started pushing mixed couples on tv, to again change the culture.

Buck Simian
12-02-2017, 02:05 PM
I snapped a couple photos of this. I guess take things too personal but when they start using children that's just going too far.



Gul Dukat
12-02-2017, 02:11 PM
I snapped a couple photos of this. I guess take things too personal but when they start using children that's just going too far.



You get them when they're young. They all know this.