View Full Version : Nigger reporter goes cat 1 on camera when there are no Black Friday crowds, "ain't nobody here"

11-26-2017, 11:37 AM
Niggerbabble galore. Sheeit, muhfuggas, it gone go home!


11-26-2017, 04:44 PM
Online retailers should suck off the nigger every single day for its contribution to getting our economy converted to e-biz from brick-and-mortar. Niggers ran people off from malls and pretty much any other establishment, and forced them to embrace things like Amazon, Ebay, and every online retailer that followed, even while wondering WHY they themselves were losing their jobs. I'll bet Jeff Bezos laughs himself to sleep EVERY FUCKING NIGHT.

Buck Simian
11-26-2017, 07:55 PM
When I pull into a parking lot and see a nigger hanging around i generally just keep driving by and don't get out of my car. It is a normal human reaction to avoid danger.