View Full Version : Madagascar plague is spreading because relatives are digging up corpses and DANCING with them as part of some stupid ritual

Lynch Tree
11-23-2017, 05:42 PM
You can't make this shit up...


11-24-2017, 10:03 PM
They need to continue this, while a quarantine is quietly set up around the entire island.

justin igger
11-25-2017, 05:44 AM
Let it spread to Africa and the middle east...then quarantine the whole African Continent.

11-25-2017, 06:41 AM
I have had the unfortunate luck to have visited a few African countries and neighboring islands for work related activities. The only part of that area I thought was nice when I visited was Seychelles. It is a beautiful Island. Aside of the Creole brand nigger of course. Sitting at the air terminal waiting for my shuttle was unbearable in stench terms. It was a combination of heat, humidity, unwashed nigger, and god knows what else. Unbelievable that niggers have not completly destroyed it. Sure they are all smiley when they see a YT with money but I wouldn't trust them with the turd I left in the toilet at my hotel. Of course the areas that YT does not control are shitholes but that is mostly a fraction of the island even though 95% of the island population is nigger and about 2% ass lifter. Once you leave the air terminal it's actually quite nice. No niggers around that area. Amazing how much better off the nigger is with that 3% of the population that is white and asian running it all. Their Rupee is worth about 1/13th of our dollar. A fairly high conversion ratio for nigger money. Thanks again YT.

They say the crime rate is low but... Yea, do not leave the resort alone. Never can be safe with niggers.

As with any nigger that is not in control of the white man, voodoo and other nigger practices will always lead to help us white man. We done fucked up and we need some of that evil juju you call medicine.

Tar Remover
11-27-2017, 01:20 AM
Let it spread to Africa and the middle east...then quarantine the whole African Continent.

YEAH! I'm with ya, let's DO that!