View Full Version : YouTube sow-star I never heard of gets into bike accident trying lookiez me

11-21-2017, 01:26 AM
The pictures and videos here are lightened up to make it look human, but whatever oildrilling/coalburning is in its ancestry, there's a lot of nigger blood. Only the niggerloving news would make a big deal about an accident 1/100 as bad as what any American kid had. Did its publicist pay or something?

But that’s when things went downhill — literally. “Within seconds (I know this for a fact because again it was all recorded), my bike suddenly jerks to the left and next thing I know I’m face down on a busy street,” she says. “I lay there for a second stunned, then a group of people rush toward me urging me to get up fast because I was on the road. I collect my phone and bike, then stunned walk home just thinking about the possibilities.” The thoughts that went through her head included, “if my bike jerked the other way I would have hit my head on the curb, if there was a car behind me it could have crushed me after the fall, if I didn’t land on my cheek, I could have knocked my teeth out or worse.’”


It has such educational videos like this.
