- Found this one while googling "mudshark"
- Here is a Good Nigger Bashing Site/Blog
- Angry white Dude
- Nigger jokes
- Great anti-nigger site
- A nice wholesome rant about niggers
- Stuff Black people don't like
- The Jawa Report
- Nigger slur database
- Islam watch
- Website that keeps track of niggerball arrests overloaded with traffic
- Marks Dice knows the Dindu..
- Turtleboy Sports / Hoodrat Heroes
- The top 30 most influencial people under the age of 30
- Dammit, I missed the American Music Awards
- Fat fugly BLM sheboon Didi Delgado gets a local blog's Facebook shut down after they expose her gibs scam..
- The Burning Platform - 30 Blocks of Squalor (Philadelphia)
- Local news site tries to slip one past Facebook
- Black Crime site linked from a guest poster
- Why niggers do things like this:
- Patriots.win
- New Nigger Meme Repository on GAB