- One day....
- Sow can't find shoes big enough to cover its hooves
- This is What Happens When You Rent to Niggers
- My block has been Gentrified two years after I moved in.
- How I could have died during Combat training
- What does a nigger do when you need help?
- A over the phone coontact
- The apprentice
- Ghetto Lobster boiling in a Buick
- Dead Nigger In My Way In Chinatown
- Nigger almost got flattened by a fire truck right in front of me
- Nigger brushing its teeth while standing at a urinal
- Blue Hair SJW- my theory
- I never knew my doctor was also a veterinarian
- Stumpy the wonder sow shopping at walmart
- God damn it!!! There should have been batwings!!!
- Tales From the Likka Sto', Ch:1 The Holland Tunnel Muff
- Got knocked out by a nigger today
- The first coontact today was the most vile muh poosie ever attempted on me
- The Ice Cream Man
- Convenience store nigger employees
- The VERY last Thing I would Ever Expect
- Nigger casing jewelry store
- Hello my name is NIGGER
- Vile nigger beasts and niggerlover cashier at the dollar store
- So tired of seeing these little half breed mutant niglets
- I saws young sow walking a dog with a plastics shit bag in its paw.
- Someone's post about a snakehead nigger gave me a short but horrible dream
- Nigger had a question, I gave it a answer
- The dumbest customer I've ever had
- I guess I'm rich now
- Just painted someone's nigger
- Nigger in Apple store tries to sell me a computer i don't want.
- I almost got killed by a coalburner on the road yesterday!
- Our beach is polluted .
- Sow on its way to clown school
- Burners pet Buck parks its hooptie in my neighbors yard
- Stories of my youth and my nigger filled school days
- Why anytime it's a nigger taking your order, don't even bother
- Fing nigger, I have a large no solicitation sign.
- I officially hate my parents
- New local Popeyes reviews are in:
- White guy had a huge waterbug stuck to his shirt
- A nigger named Dio
- Some nigger on my block is playing loud music on his car.
- My car got broken into apparently.
- Something you've never wished for until it applies to a nigger..
- Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking..
- Nigger wearing Christmas tree colors
- White guilt is sickening.
- Niggers, phones and phishing scams
- Nigger collecting carts at Kroger leaves them in back of my car
- I almost made niggers chimpout sooooooo close!!!
- Temps are in the 90s, and a sow said "Ahz be freezin!"
- Shitshow at the Merrimack River boat launch in Lowell Mass, guess who?..
- Had a confrontation with a very ugly sow at work.
- We have to love nigger parenting skills
- I hope what happens in Vegas stays there!!
- He Dindu Nuffins, or is that Dunder Mifflin?
- My reformed wigger friend
- Nigger Flight Attendant
- I have wants out for me!
- The time i met a big time celebrity nigger
- Cute little niglet at Kroger offered me a lollipop
- A powder blue hooptie with different sized wagon wheels on the front and back
- Niggers had to ruin an otherwise uneventful line at the post office
- Grandpappy bought himself a slave
- Wutchu fiddin' on doing, mista?
- Some father failed!
- Witnessed a nigger road rage incident today
- Oil-driller and she-nig at the grocery store
- Texas fuel crisis causes a chimpout.
- Scammers accuse "Mary" of sending spam emails
- Nigger Cookies
- Ass Eater got fired
- Fining niggers are having a party next to my house. They dont' even live here.
- 10 more mins for a sheboon mailman to figure it out.
- How much I hate the Nigger catholic church next to my house.
- Stuck in a traffic jam for half an hour because....
- Wherefore I humbly throw myself upon the mercy of the Plantation..
- "Wha kinda Harley dat?"
- This niglet was wandering alone outside the supermarket entrance, not another nigger in sight
- Niggers are cowards
- One of the news stories just reminded me of my own funny adventure about coalburners.
- Ebola Nigger passed out at the eye doctor this morning
- Halloween party
- How much bad luck did we have that a drive home turned into multiple coontacts?
- The first thing I saw tuning into a soccer game was a nigger faking an injury
- Another nigger in our ER today
- I was just yelled at by a nigger in the ER
- Little Niglets Learn From Granny
- Nigger in my ER today threatens lawsuit at my hospital
- So a sheboon wanted my parking space
- Buck mingling around parking lot harrasing people, i yell at it to BACK OFF.
- Ain't nobody paying to feed my kids.
- We are well beyond the tipping point now
- Never, NEVER trust a nigger
- My first live exposure to the nigger- What does a 4 year old know?
- A Tale of Two Jigga-Fruits
- It's Bad When...
- I was carrying somthing and I didn't want a nigger to hold the door .
- Our Own "Radio" X2
- I keep seeing this one armed nigger around town
- Two niglets throw down on each other in the middle of Kroger
- Stinky nigger at work covering his stench with skunk perfume
- Ghana rape nigger at my former job
- Niggers with shiney bald heads.
- Even the Mongolian grill isn't safe.
- Yet another nigger pan handler.
- Can I habs dat wen youz dun?
- Niggers at the thrift store.
- I have a bad case of nigger fatigue .
- A cuck, a buck, and a bicycle.
- Post office, supermarket, liquor store. Fuxated, fuxated, fuxated.
- Coalburning cousin shows up for Christmas...liberal family fawns over halfbreed kids...
- I made the liberal guys at the coffee stop hangout leave this morning .
- A BetaCuck, A Coalburner, Some Snow, And a 2000's Model Dodge Durango.
- Another nigger at the grocery store with a smell that knocks you down
- A nigger hit my moms car
- Andre dont work at de chiggun plant no more
- The Gas Meter Fairy Visited Me Today.
- Someone just tried to give me a crusty old crippled nigger in a wheelchair.
- Brotha Don't Know What Hit Him
- Anchorage Niggers
- Actually heard a burner say this at a pub
- ER Niggershines Part 1: Ricardo and the sugarfoot [NSFL]
- Dumb niggeress blocking the road
- Ol' Nigger Ed
- USPS keeps bringing me niggers! And I don't like it!!!!
- Facespook friend request from what initially seemed to be a Latina
- Employee at the Nike store was another real life "Buck or sow?"
- Are you worshipping hate humans month?
- Bearded muzziespook in a white bath robe wants to rent an RV today..
- Niggers at Kings 'Kangz' Island or other amusement parks
- How do these morons even breath! Very piss
- Touring USS North Carolina Today!
- Another nigger delivery driver messes it up for humans where Mrs. S works
- Co-worker loses cell phone, nigger answers it.
- Ah highly recommend diz dhoctha
- Another doctha, Walmart
- Happy to oblige the polite policeman.
- Nextdoor App
- And i started to think that maybe we are wrong about niggers......
- Ever Tried to Speak With FedEx Customer Service?
- Major nigger confrontation today
- Took a shit on some niggers in Sears today
- Nigger damn near destroyed my porch
- Yesterday at the Homedepot. One lazy ass worker pretending to work. I gave it work.
- How many niggers does it take to change a light bulb?
- Easton, PA
- 2018 Indy 500 kickoff week
- Was kind to nigger, it kicked my car
- Hit and Run Nigger
- Incontinent Battle Sow on Airplane.
- Universal Knowledge About Niggers
- Shiftless nigger keeps showing me porn at work
- Just told a nigger to STFU. Very satisfying.
- Old human men are the best
- It always breaks my heart to see a fully white child toted around by a nigger
- Three nigger sows knock on my door
- Little Niglets Likes Dem Some BBQ
- A mutt named Brandon...
- Well, Fuck.
- Barbecue Be Raycis.....an shit.
- Mammy Snaps on Niglet.
- What Happens When a Nigger asks Kraken for a Smoke
- I wish I could just run their asses over!
- Nigger and wigger flagmen had to make rush hour worse
- Nigger geniuses load a door unit in a pickup.
- A buck nigger on rollerskates? Now i have seen it all.
- Sand niglet in a 'sand box'
- impolite niglets
- Sheboon got cussed out by two bikers today
- My Cousin is Sick of Niggers
- Affirmative action sow tells me there's no such thing as military time
- Hit the trifecta at the grocery store: a mudshark, an oildriller and nigger, and a bonus of sand niggers
- New Castle Co Delaware is an irredemablely fuxated shithole.
- Half-breed screen background at work
- Did the nigger leave a tip? Did he want to dox me? And will he cry rayciss anyway?..
- Nigger at the BMV wanting a ID
- Oil drilling tower at IKEA
- The shit kids say
- Nigger Murders Human in My Town
- Sheboon parked her car in the drive through lane at Arbys then went inside
- Buy a Tesla get a niglet for free
- A nigger ruined my supper.
- At the fish market.
- My friend fired a nigger over the phone
- Something blew out of Fred Sanfords truck today and hit my car
- I finally crossed over: I totally refuse to go with a nigger cashier
- Some folks become irate with me
- Sheboon Shanice
- Doctor recommends great doktah
- I went out of my way to a whiter grocery store and still ran into mudsharks and an oildriller
- When You Can't Afford Accessories, Say It With Krylon
- 10 year old nigger needs a job!
- Store selling Wakanda Forever T-shirts
- Doctor appointment today-guess what the nurse was?
- Niggers finally moved out from across the street and left with a bang.
- Extremely smelly nigger in the elevator
- One of my tenants roommates is a nigger
- Preparation H
- Loud Obnoxious Mudshark At The Doctors Office
- Uncle Horace
- How self-loathing must a YT be to put up with abuse from its sow?
- Wheel bearings are racist..
- Niggers are born liars.
- You gonna back into muh car!!!!
- Panhandling nigger with a bluetooth and a Bible!
- I Had To Grit My Teeth And Be Cordial To A Nigger, AARRGGGHH
- My daily visit at the nigger exhibit
- Had an opportunity to show Mrs. S what "niggest" means
- Nigger wearing a hoodie and a winter cap
- Spent a hour at the local Childrens Hospital
- Riding da Bus
- Sleepy Groid At The Cable Co
- Adonis
- This is the billionth time the nigger mail person put my mail on my stairs.
- Wakandan scores a double.
- I think I pissed off a buck on the drive home
- I think it was a nigger ....
- I saw a little KANG skipping school today
- Overheard an oildriller threatened by its she-rilla
- Nigger help refused
- Nigger nursing student picked the wrong YT to mess with.....
- I just want to smell it I'm not going to taste it!
- Twofer. Congo line to DNS and shopping cart nigger plays frogger -- head on.
- What was the point of this dindu wheeling a bicycle along?
- God Damn Fucking Gas Station Niggers
- Sunday was a fine day....
- Nice company....until I saw 'diversity'
- Can a nigger mess up a sandwich?
- Niggers posted advertisements for some nigger event all over my neighborhood
- Amber alert again?
- Grandpa be gwine home, an shit.
- Just got a nigger fired. It feels good!
- Two Sheboons One Mobility Scooter
- Time to diversify the work place
- BiketoberFest Cell Phone Charger Returns, Only Niggers Would Pull Such Shit
- So I stop in to AutoZone this afternoon...
- Haunted House Niggers
- niggers attack kid for TRUMP t-shirt
- Nigger doctor takes a piss and doesn't wash his paws
- T-Mobile support, human
- Want to make a succesful shopping mall go out of business?
- So sick of niggers making everything about THEM
- Oil Change... niggers in the waiting room...
- Watch out for niglets trick or treating tonight
- I finally got a sow in trouble for shoplifting!!!
- Nigger at the post office with a middle finger tattooed on his arm