View Full Version : *The Yard* - Tales From the Field

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  1. NAACP visit the BBQ joint
  2. Nigger trying to steal!
  3. Dumb Jig Cashier at Supermarket Really Helped Me
  4. Casual N-Bomb Friday, Long Island Edition
  5. My dashcam: yoofs demanding money
  6. The Niggers of Northern New York...... The Nigger Burner Happy Hunting Ground....
  7. Demetrius gets fired
  8. nigglet stench
  9. Oildrillers come in all types, I guess
  10. Neighbors renting to high stepp'ns
  11. The Job I Did NOT Get......
  12. From the next aisle over came bixnood cRapping and the sound of basketball dribbling
  13. Niglets at the store
  14. Nigger working at US airp
  15. The Long Trip
  16. Suprise NTG...You are at a Coal Burners Wedding....
  17. Couldn’t resist!
  18. Niggers at work...
  19. ' Miss Tree ' is not a mystery !
  20. I am so proud of my little niece!
  21. Every mudshark I have met is bitchy
  22. A Trip to Vermont... Niggers, Asslifters and NPR......
  23. Jury selection
  24. Nigger member at gunclub
  25. Work ethics training
  26. Tales from the ER: What do you call the person who graduates last in their medical school class?
  27. Nazis Commies and Black Lives (Don't) Matter
  28. Newest billionaire MAY be a nigger
  29. Interns
  30. Sunday Morning Coontact
  31. Urgent Care clinic voodoo doctor
  32. Coontact
  33. Why is niggaz so dumb
  34. Snakehead down!Snakehead down!
  35. Rasslin' Nigger Gets Whitey
  36. We wuz jews n sheit
  37. 400 lb welfare sow stole my sushi
  38. Nigger in my Kitchen!!!
  39. Question from long term substitute teacher application.....
  40. Niggers knowing their place
  41. Walmart "customer service manager" giving me a hard time about a return
  42. What the fuck is going on in Africa?
  43. Nigger fun with the family tonight!
  44. Stupid dangerous 4x4 loving nog
  45. Troope of boons were hooting so loud I could hear them in my apartment.
  46. Libtards in my own family.
  47. I hate seeing niggers in every fast food restaurant.
  48. Got into another fight with niggers on Facebook, again.
  49. Close encoonter of the extra dark kind
  50. Wheelie teenaper
  51. Liquor Store Observation
  52. I got fast food again. Because apparently I never learn.
  53. Fat, lazy, and violent nursing home niggersows
  54. Chimpout due: Nigger on the the train
  55. Walmart She boon landwhale. Man the harpoons.
  56. Tales from the ER: Sheboon (witch) doctor
  57. More humans are feeling like we do!
  58. Nigger hooptie
  59. Nigger cashier at the grocery store
  60. Liberal sister finally coming around!
  61. The Chimpout Weight Loss Program
  62. Potential liberal neighbors.
  63. Wild Wool Ringing My Doorbell
  64. I have to deal with two bucks and a chick at work
  65. Dentist
  66. I upset a Niggergerian scammer
  67. Hot off the Presses.... N I G G E R S....
  68. University students
  69. Fucking Walmart nigger!
  70. Earth, Wind, and Niggers
  71. Sheriff and Local PoPo Harass Innocent Niggers
  72. Nigmart trip
  73. Pissed a working nigger off
  74. Couldn’t hold back my anger towards a sow!
  75. Can you believe this shit!
  76. Nigger gone from farm. Good riddence.
  77. Tales From The Road
  78. Niggers at restaurant
  79. A vile buck-or-sow was spitting on the grocery store floor, but wait, there's more!
  80. It’s a nigger!
  81. Ignoring niggers
  82. Neighbor With Dementia
  83. Nigger raising my blood pressure in the am
  84. 12 Step Nigress
  85. How five niggers ruined my brand new boots
  86. Not coontact, but niggergerians want to get Linked In with me.
  87. Latrecia “Trish” Littles-Floyd, Acting Chair and Chief Administrator
  88. Nigger at the gas station
  89. Pickaninny Wildflowers...and a mudshark.
  90. I saw a mudshark
  91. Nigger trying me.
  92. "Those" People
  93. Always trust your “Spidy”senses(niggdar)
  94. Local Nigger Teen Self Deletes
  95. A feel good story
  96. Niggers really do ruin everything!
  97. Can you believe this shit?
  98. Vermont: ~ 1.5% nigger.. In ONE Day, 2 Wrangled, 1 for murder, the other for a shooting
  99. My "granddaughter" made me proud.
  100. Just walk out store... and stupid niggers...
  101. So guess what's happened since my town opened up a "youth center"
  102. Why So Many Damn Niggers Drivin' Dodge Chargers?!?!?!?
  103. Corporations Ruining Neighborhoods Across America Buying and Renting to Hoodrats
  104. Triggering Niggers 2
  105. Halfbreeds Left and Right
  106. Of course it was a nigger!
  107. Is There Any Black Thing You Like?
  108. Career mudshark
  109. Fucking Island niggers suck!
  110. Customer has nigger problem!
  111. The deliverance
  112. Fex Ex and they stupid/arrogant niggers!
  113. Home Depot Chimpout Against Me
  114. Nigger bellhop
  115. Niggas Eatin Door Dash EVERY FUCKING MEAL!!!!!!