View Full Version : Life Without Parole
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- DC public school librarian she boon accused of reenacting Holocaust with elementary schoolers has prior criminal record
- Former feetsball nigger literally drank itself to batwings
- Brookings Institute magic niggers ask: Why is life expectancy so low in Black neighborhoods?
- Niggers killing niggers
- Chinese Produced "Humanzee" From Man & Chimp
- Stupid Africoon killed by ferris wheel in Montreal.
- Missing rockfish Vensly won't earn a Gold Medal for swimming, just batwings
- Cop chases teenaper on dirtbike, teenaper good
- Illiterate Virginia teachers union she boon sends out bad grammar laden letter highlighting her illiteracy
- Niggersow throws its freshly dumped niglet into the airplane lavatory garbage
- Nigger about to leave NU after 47 years, screwed it up by getting high, unfortunately getting released
- Africoon news: Nurses taught to do "doggy style"
- New Amazon software identifies Big Mike Obama and Sowrena Williams as MALE!
- Illegal immigrant Alex Tekle has made alternative breakfast plans
- Kyson, Bryson, Leyton and Logan do the world a favour
- Nigger Trooper who slammed his cruiser into back of semi @ 90 mph is expected to survive unfortunately
- Another Monumental Nigger Fail
- A bunch of niggers roasted to batwings in Sec8 nests
- "Rapper" "Navy Wavy Pooh" (WTF?) gunned down in Miami near the ZOO.
- Niggers outraged that cop who gifted Laquan McDonald with batwings being released from prison early
- Florida niggers hold gun violence forum- batwings occur anyway
- Ghanaian immigrant welfare parasite Martha Dagbatsa batwinged by gas leak explosion
- Uganda: she boon prohibited by law from sitting in front seat so horny niggers won't have accidents
- Bill Gates' African Nigger Farm will be 25% of world's population by 2050
- Head scratcher: Florida buck tries to sneak East Indians into US from Canada, dumps them and they freeze. Blame Trump.
- 9 dead, 37 wounded in Ghana. Batfairy circling.
- Congo NU bucks riot, rape galore
- Why did Jamaicoon Nadisha stab Lakiesha?
- Tiktok hooker she boon mixes booze w/ fentanyl while turning a trick- gets batwings, family cry 'rayciss'
- "Australian Man" dies when his suicide vest explodes accidentally when he hits a speed bump
- 40 batwings after migrant niggerboat capsizes off the coast of Florida
- Nigger Fire Chief: "Why dis heeyah bridge collapse before Biden comes to talks abouts dat infrastructure?"
- Kyle Maxwell to wash dishes, Memphis police tackled him, dog bit him
- Ethiopian Niggers are Starving (shocker)
- Cheslie Kryst does back flip on to pavement from 29th floor
- Dead teennigger found in a rolled up gym mat ruled to be an accident
- 'Gud Boy' missing for 7 weeks found dead in advanced state of decomposition in the trunk of his car
- Mammy was gettin' high behind the wheel while carload of niglets played with papa buck's gun- batfairy arrives
- Baltimore schoolniggers setting the standard for Scholastic Excellence
- Clown World Part 2
- After Javeir eats a lead sandwich, his mammy puts up sign begging dindus to stop capping each other
- Booze soaked batwings for Anthony Johnson- star of acclaimed niggermovie Fridays
- Batwings for tranny landwhale star of TV show "My 600 Pound Life" Destinee LaShaee
- Haute Cuisine..... Nigger style...
- Two bakkabaw teenapers batwinged during games on same night
- Just another nigger "afterparty" with three cRappers shot, sadly no batwings
- Little Rock nigger Police Chief accidentally shoots Kelecia while he was aiming at Taz @ New Year's Eve niggerparty
- Down low buck Cory Booker finally ends the charade that he is in a relationship with a she boon
- Quintez the marksman shoots at Mayoral candidate in his own office
- Rockfish season begins with Cat 3 chimpout
- Louisiana Family Dollar stores & distro are allegedly* full of rats, dead birds and niggers
- Australia: migrant banana picker nig attempts to amputate leg with power saw
- Batwings for 15 year old Jayden who jacked a forklift and attempted donuts
- Coonservative Zoe Sozo Bethel backflips out 3f fl. window
- Nigger fake journalist Jason Lee falsely reports Queen Elizabeth as dead on his somewhat famous niggerblog The Hollywood Unlocked
- Walking Dead zombie nigger batwings himself into real zombie
- Niggers ambushed and force circumcised after their she boons complain of bad muh dik
- White Supremacists jizzed on muh car! She boon Mayor screams rayciss over mysterious liquid on her hood
- Harvard nigger breaks bone in foot while jumping icy puddle- blames racisms
- Nigger "Neyo Pretty Boy Realness" gets chemical face peel LOL
- Batwings happen when 4 year old Miyell finds a gun in the car while mammy is shopping
- Nigger rapefugee leaves wife and child in Ukraine, 'flees' to Germany
- Down low mixed buck Police Chief fired after only six months for refusing to hire/promote white police officers
- Nigger Dies in its own doodies.
- Jadun got batwings while on Facetime (Spooktime?) with its mammy
- Just how Filthy and Disgusting are Sows?????
- Nigger attacks NU guards, gets pepper sprayed, batwinged itself by bashing its head against a wall, and it's the guards' fault?
- Creature from the deep
- Wally World Nigger Sow Ho-Down (Vid)
- Bakka ball nigger pats cheerleader's tit on the court
- Work-from-home Veteran's Hospital nigger beez too busy sitting in the bathtub to help Veterans
- 'Black News Channel' all nigger news outlet goes broke and shuts doors
- Tub-of-shit teen plunges to batwings in Orlando
- Nigger claims whitey jizzed in his salad @ Red Robin, trying to win nigger lottery
- Nigger IQ test fail, what happens if a Nigger pets a tiger, then keeps trying when told to stop ?
- Vile Nigroid Sow 'PhD' Tells it's Class 'Whitey Hit Chris Rock, Not Will Smiff'
- Rosemont High School "all niggers should die" graffiti turns out to be another nigger hate hoax
- Niglet gets a gun and batwings its older niglet, auntiesow charged
- Nigger professor calls the popo on sheboons who were late to class
- Oh Boy! Look what I stumbled across......
- Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists want the media to "shift the narrative" and stop pointing out statistically high negroid crime!
- Praying suspected UK Rockfish gets dragged from the river
- The WORST City in America: Highland Park, Michigan (guess why?)
- Batwings for Keyan after he clogs a nigger's toilet
- Rapper's Body On Display At Nightclub Party
- "ahh wuz pregnint!"- she boon on business trip shits out niglet into a toilet
- Hundreds of thousands of Somali niggers at risk from drought....send your sand donations
- Davontai gets eaten by fairground ride
- Niggers reclaim COFFEE from evil Whitey who stole it from them
- Nigerian nigger dies by crucifixion
- Defund The Police niggers caused the death of more niggers by defunding the police
- Dyke sow’s upset at teacher for cutting their sprogs Brillo pad haid.
- Monkeyballer kicked out of French Restaurant for wearing tacky nigger Gucci tracksuit
- Nigger Professor at Arizona State "University" accuses nigger of blackfacing
- 100+ niggers get fried in Nigerian oil refinery incident
- Nigger rock fishes saving a wet back
- (c)Rapper suffers muh dik injury from she boon's tongue piercing- swears off muh dikkins for 6 months
- Nigger college "swimmer" paralyzed by rayciss Gulf Shores water
- Lazy niggers don't want to go back to the office, cry racism
- Sheboon "student athlete" does the right thing and self deletes
- Marshette and niglet claim "discrimination" after an eviction notice, but it was a lot worse than the swimming pool "twerking" they claim
- California Nigger Rookie Cop Croaks from Fentanyl Overdose
- Niggers Fuck Monkeys, Get Monkey Pox, Spread It To Humans
- Live Reparations discussion on Youtube!
- Indiana Jungle Bat Mammy Follows Batwinged Sprog To Hell
- Reparations Niggers Live Stream Update!
- Here we go again...subprime nigger debts getting defaulted.......we knew it was coming
- Buck-sow mammy "demands answer" because school didn't call 911 when a teenaper supposedly had a stroke
- Lion eats nigger zoo keeper's finger
- Ultimate rockfish: nigger drowns during celebration of diving school graduation
- Coalburner's little Tyrene rockfishes on its 14th birffday
- Store clerk asks for ID, jig shows gun
- Nigger "accidentally" buys Southern house where his 'fambly' used to be slaves. LOL
- Ol' buck wins 10M$, caps his hoe, off to NU for life
- Uber boots lippy she boon after she complains her driver was jerking off + AirBnB she boon gets niggered
- Spelling bee niglet given "apery" and still gets it wrong
- 24yo buck punches 7yo nephew over video game
- Nigger self deletes by rockfish in front of cops
- Niggers in Chad preparing to starve
- Aunt shoots niglet in the head, niglet good
- Afrocoons want monkeypox renaned
- missing nigger, 'Take a ride to the morgue’
- We lost a 9 year old prodigy in Texas
- Niggers on the march - towards starvation
- Aspiring crapper dragged to goodness by subway
- YES! They Fuckin' A DO!
- Florida boon loses teaching license for muh poosie students
- Man shoots car in road rage
- Teacher made ninnys pick cotton
- Tiny niglet pretends to be lost at playground
- Nigger stampede in da Muddaland. 22 batwinged.
- Nigger owned Subway employee batwinged for putting too much mayo on sammitch
- Cuffed jigaboo breaks neck in police vehicle, paralyzed
- Cop comforts niglet, mammy's boonfriend wrangled
- Emmett Till fambly demands arrest of the victim after old warrant supposedly found
- Arrest Warrant nigger goes to Police Station to apply for a job
- It's a PURGE!: Indianapolis niggers tremble with fear as Whitey relaxes gun laws
- niglet tumbles 29 stories to its bat wing ceremony in NYC
- Missing future felon factory found, Dayenna Johnson
- TikTok blackout challenge, various deaths
- Sudan: family sold sow to be muhdiked for food
- N1663Rs storm retirement home looking to lynch 87 y/o white woman
- niglet found and cared for by unnamed
- Little rockfish batwinged during swimming lessons
- Spirit Airlines scares plane full of niggers when it catches fire landing in Apelanta
- Dyteon murders niggerballer and then gets fentanyl batwings in prison
- Shitlets on Parade... A Groidal of 3 year olds accost police officers....
- Racist Jagermeister kills South African nigger
- Cow poop tampons for Zimbabwe she boons
- Dead Sow
- Ghana Marburg virus
- Ugandan she boon gibs birf to FIVE SETS of TWINS- 'husband' leaves her
- Georgia: Crazy fat Brianna Marie Grier dies after falling out of cop car
- Body of missing 7-year-old found a few hours after he vanished, Texas officials say
- Niglet found daid in a washing machine
- Nigger mad that AirBnB offers nigger slave cabin
- Coward picks on old and small Asians
- Miss nigger USA
- 300+ hayshee niggers found on grounded sailboat off the Florida Keys
- Stealthily, the Bat Fairy takes down Muhammad right as he gives an important speech (hilarious video!)
- Dead Brooklyn jig: goes down garbage chute to get keys
- Swimming pool rockfish batwings for unfunny nigger comedian Teddy Ray
- Nigger Church
- The Africoons beez starvin' - again. Still.
- Ethiopian Airlines nigger pilots fall asleep at 37,000 feet
- Tranny buck prisoner tries to cut off his balls with a razor to get transferred back to women's prison
- Artistic Niggerism
- Why is news talking about student loans, minimum wage, etc., always filled with niggers complaining?
- Niggers outraged after they take dead niglet to a mortuary that burns down and loses the body
- I Demand Reparations From Wipipo!!!
- EBT DOWN Nationwide!
- She boon volleyball screams raycissms, but police find none- Hate Hoax!
- Nigger bag handler gets made good by conveyer at Nig Orleans airport
- Imani Armstrong, exotic dancer shot dead in NYC
- Zimbabwe niggers encouraged to eat more bugs
- Niggeria: Buck cut off his aunt's head and used it to make pepper soup
- Nigger jogger Insane Bolt's scooter empire goes tits up !!!
- Pregnant she boon 'activist' thrown in jail for threatening the police- oooohhh muh body hurts! Muh baby!
- Congo: Bridge collapses straight after the ribbon was cut
- Nigger ran Baltimore Department of Public Works warns of E Coli (feces) in the public drinking water
- Bat Fairy dodging she boon took out a singles ad- a nigger serial killer answered it
- Baby Shark is the Bat Fairy's favorite song
- The Queen's funeral be racist and sheeeit
- Obese nigger drag queen Valencia Prime dies while twerking in a gay bar- diabetes, obesity & cardiovascular disease to blame
- Stupid KFC nigger puts daily cash receipts into woman's take out order
- New nigger tiktok challenge of cooking chicken in Nyquil is dangerous says FDA
- NYC boon wanted to become a bat, shot itself in head but missed tiny brain
- She boon dentist must pay $95 million to niglet who got brain damage
- Bat Fairy visits (c)rappers Kee Riches and Lotta Cash Desto over the weekend
- Dr. Mutt Sady Ribeiro performed unnecessary surgeries 200 ‘extremely poor’ patients
- Niggers wonder why they aren't more niggers in classical music
- Just when I thought niggers couldn't be more useless and disgusting...
- If You Have Ever Wondered Why....
- 66 IQ Apefrican "flight student" crashes Cessna and kills human instructor on maiden voyage
- Monkeys evolving past niggers in intelligence- climate change possibly to blame
- Double rockfish, buck swims after retarded brother
- Hurrahdoo Kills Stupid Sheboon at Louis Armstrong Innernashunull Errpoat.
- Well here's something I never thought I'd see... a sow boon Battle Royale at Walmart !!
- Malawi she boons trading muh poosay to fishermen for the privilege of buying fish is spreading the AIDS
- 8 y.o. niglet Jayceon done went to a white people's house and comes back w/ 80% body burns- Raycish!
- Afro Alert
- Malnourished Texas twins escaped handcuffs when boy found key and hid it in his mouth overnight, court records say
- Nakiba and Lante just happen to find a 'Slave Auction' poster nailed to a tree while just going for a casual walk
- Stinky Iranian asslifter dies after taking first bath in 60 years
- Boon sues Loreal for cancer
- Argument tonight with GF, because of raycisms
- Look at the heads on these Congo niggers
- Ethiopian genocide
- Teenaper she boon Eziya takes a flying leap out of moving Lyft ride- says driver went all muh dik
- She boon has mouth wired shut so she can lose weight
- Niglet makes the world a better place
- Dead nigger artist self storage: 'Talented graffiti artist' found dead and in 3 week decomposition in his flat
- Nigger Twins Manage to Self Goodify Themselves By Touching a Live Downed Power Line
- Sheboon is traumatized by elementary school teacher
- Jig found guilty in court, drinks bleach
- Now They Think They Are Israelites.....
- She-Schvugger Gets Three Front Toofs
- Keeping the nigger Cowboy Tradition alive- by roping little baby calves
- Conversation With A Nigger Israelite
- 12 year old nigger plays Russian Roulette and almost won
- Three Niggers on a Rudder
- Makeda overcame her 'Fried Chicken Addiction' and is no longer a landwhale
- Nigger 'farmers' sue US Govt for mo' gibbs- Ben Crump representing them
- Nigger nurses fired for making fun of pregnant sheboons
- Nice Way to Start the Week... A Congo Barbegue... of Another Nigger... GRIM... You've been warned.
- Two little monkeys missing, perp a boon
- Shitlet Starves to Death After Its Pappy Croaked from a Heart Attack in an Upstate NY Apartment
- Shock Report: Rise in U.S. gun deaths are mostly just young niggers shooting each other
- Batfairy comes for Jaynisha during Brazilian Butt Lift cosmetic surgery
- Nigger released from death row, killed by other niggers at funeral
- Just spreading a little Chirstmas cheer... what would it be without ...??
- Nigger "media company" Ozy Media takes in millions of $$$ of liberal investment money, then guess what?
- Chimp E. Cheese Taking A Shit
- Nigger cockroach tells his 12 boons to stop after 102 niglets & 586 grandniglets
- Rhythmically syncopated batwings for Bob Marley's Reggae grandson Jo Mersa Marley
- Congo nigger 'refugee' goes into the Buffalo blizzard and batwings
- You Just Can't Make This Shit Up.... Nigger in a Shopping Cart Latched on to the Back of a Tanker Truck
- Racist Alabama jet airliner engine done batwinged a nigger baggage handler
- Warning ! 9'10" nigger spotted in Africa
- Buck beats up boonfriend, throws niglet on ground
- Tennis Sheboon learns to drink Gatorade to combat dehydration
- Kenyan homo nig gets batwings in a metal box
- First nigger face transplant a failure- still looks like a nigger
- Christmas Tree Batwings a 22 Year Old Sow
- Sowboons never know when to shut up, just keep ratcheting it up, 300 days !!
- Can't make this shit up, batshit sowboon cracks buck's haid with ball then rolls a strike !
- Snakehead uses his closet for DNS
- 108 year old niggers still trying to hit Nigger Lottery Jackpot from "Tulsa Race Massacre" of "Black Wall Street"
- Artissua the bridge operator kills old lady cuz she sucks at operating bridges
- Filthy Bixnood Nigger Sheila Jackson Foists Legislation to Ban 'Hate Speech'....
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