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  1. Donald Graham gets arrested for race hoax graffiti on him's own hooptie, guess what gave it away..
  2. Why Rinita stab Shantina?
  3. Latest episode of Around Blacks Never Relax: nigger asks for cigarettes as ruse to rob old man
  4. Nigger attempts unarmed robbery of, where else, a KFC
  5. D'Jerry steals a running car with little boy inside, crashed before it could do any muh dikk
  6. Monkeys in Motion Intentionally Strike a Richmond PD Officer
  7. Sow uses frying pan to attack victim in home invasion
  8. Innocent young woman learns about diversity the hard way
  9. Yet another shitskin tenderizes its turdler to goodness
  10. Nigger shoots its sow 11 times and it lives.
  11. Unlicensed nigger driver kills young woman in crash and flees scene
  12. Lesbo sows keep three niglets locked in closet, feed them dogshit, and use electric whip on them.
  13. Sows issue batwings to niglet with baseball bat for eating a cupcake....
  14. Someone stole a performers unicycle. I call niggers on this.
  15. Shitnecktady NY Sow Hurls Her Turdler at State PoPo
  16. Niggerfaggot chimps on his buck after hearing Sting singing "Set them free"
  17. Gotta love twofers - Buck ventilates its pregnant boo to goodness
  18. 3-month-old nigfant, mammy and pappy all good after murder-suicide
  19. A BOY named "shit"....
  20. 'Knock, Knock'. 'Who's There?' 'Your 2:30 AM Rapist.' 'Just A Second'...
  21. Grizzled Nigger Landlord Abel Gives Couple Advanced Video Tutorial On Why A Nigger Shouldn't Be Their Landlord.
  22. How do you get the demon out of your niglet?
  23. Nigger named Innocent chops burner up into pieces
  24. Rioting in Philadelphia
  25. Guess what happened to the anti-poaching activist in Kenya..
  26. Cops looking for spook muh dikking random students near UCLA campus
  27. Latarsha performs a successful voodoo ritual on her turdlings..
  28. He shot ex, shot own head, missed brain
  29. Libtard Girl Lets a Feral Nigger Move in With Her - What Could Go Wrong!!!
  30. Nigger beats and robs elderly women.
  31. Niggers riding bikes trying to car jack someone and kills them with a knife.
  32. So there was a video circulating on Facebook of a sex assault on a child that police didn't want people sharing..
  33. Nigger rapes 3 girls and get all three pregnant!
  34. How did Carema Lashandra Brown smuggle coke, meth, LSD and a crack pipe into jail?
  35. Nigger rapes and kills human.
  36. Two Dindus car jack and murder Sow
  37. Cheeto Head Groid Stabs His Mammy Because He Thought She Was Going to Rape Him
  38. Spiggers and niggers busted with enough fentanyl to kill everyone in Massachusetts
  39. Two white police officers murdered by nigger
  40. 2 Stabbed During Nigger Brawl at JCPenney
  41. Catch and release nigger tries carjacking corrections officer minutes after being let out of prison
  42. "Teen" wrangled for raping 9-month-old, recording it on sail foam
  43. Buck Shows Off MUH-DIKK At Nigg-Mart
  44. The Black Nigger movie is upon us, place your bets and keeps your eyes peeled..
  45. I'm calling nigger on this. Man breaks off 2 thousand year old statute thumb in Philly for a selfie.
  46. Meanwhile at St. Paul’s African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in Toledo..
  47. Snake head Nigger beats Armed Robbery Charges in Albany
  48. "Minnesota woman" charged with supporting ISIS, already charged with arson
  49. Batwing fairy working overtime in London.
  50. Three African Niggers Arrested For Cannibalism In Paris Suburb
  51. Nigger rapes its own dual EBT cards
  52. She Boon Torches Ex-Buck's Nest, Ends Up Burning Whole Block Down
  53. Yeah! I'm drooling over this nigger hoe!
  54. MARCUS Draws SKS Rifle On Deputies
  55. Obese She Boon Uses Cloned Credit Card At HAIR DID Joint And FAMBLY DOLLAH
  56. The DOPE BOYS CLIQUE Busted!!!!
  57. TYRONE, JAQUALLE and MARQUIS Busted!!!!
  58. 4 Snakeheads Steal $50 Backpack From Elementary School Kid
  59. SHAMIR Defines TNB Galore!!!
  60. Drug Bust Nets 16, Guess Da Species
  61. Thieving sheboon flings poo...
  62. Shameka tries to bust a cap in a nigger at Black Panther..
  63. Nigger shoots another nigger over nothing
  64. BLM nigger shot in New Orleans earns its batwings
  65. Shitskin Breaks Into Gun Store, Steals handguns & gets arrested
  66. Duh CIAA Is Coming To Town, TNB Galore!!!
  67. Vile buck is already serving life, beats guard because of a confiscated towel
  68. Cruz is a nigger!
  69. Alvin The Niggamunk Abducts And Kills Mother Of Two.
  70. Nigger workers are lazy as hell.
  71. Racist nigger serial killer only kills humans.
  72. Now Chicago cops have to patrol nigger funerals, guess why..
  73. Guess who stole Frances McDormand’s Oscar last night
  74. What's a dindu sow to do when funds haven't cleared her bank account?
  75. Spigger beats man for no reason at all by looking at him!
  76. Racist Nigger Murderer in Kansas City Gets Indicted
  77. Nigger food stall charges Humans a few times more than niggers. Yet liberals see no problems.
  78. This dindu ran hisself over while trying to evade capture..
  79. Monkey on $10 bill, Canada
  80. Affirmative Action bus driver takes out 4 cars and a telephone pole.
  81. Nigger rapist/murder out from prison murders human girl.
  82. Either nigger owned or illegal migrant own coffee shop refuse to service cops and tell people not to talk to police
  83. LOVEQUAWN'S Version Of Dead Nigger Storage
  84. Baltimore steals from the Chicago playbook..
  85. Nggers are this stupid. They try to find Wakanda on hotel booking sites!
  86. Homeless Groid Stabs Random White Woman
  87. Guess where the Navy is gonna send their combat medics for battlefield training..
  88. Coalburner and Buck beat someone.
  89. A West African Dindu In London..
  90. TNB Brooklyn - Flat-nosed nigger shoots 1-yr old pickaninny, then 2 other niggers and itself, all good and dead
  91. Arresting a muzziedindu firefighter for threatening to kill everyone at the firehouse is racist..
  92. Nigger NYPD cop involved in heroin ring.
  93. Mass chimpout in Madrid
  94. While the idiots were walking out of class, a sow janitor stole from a few backpacks
  95. Can only be a nigger: "teen" arrested 3 times in same day for pot, DWAI 2 hours later, then attempted robbery of a cabbie
  96. Buck at the top of Chicago PD makes it harder for cops to apply electrical therapy
  97. Fat Sow claims she was fat shamed, now she is suing.
  98. Silverback She-ape mad about not getting her gibs, pushes random old woman onto subway tracks
  99. The faces of food stamp fraud
  100. Guess what the simians of Simeon did during the gun control walkout
  101. Why did Jasmine stab the cleanorita with a pair of scissors?
  102. Execute this fucking nigger already..
  103. Nigger or spigger cops? since no pics of evil cops. They basically stole life savings of a elderly lady.
  104. Sherman And His Burner Try Their Hand At Golf...
  105. Parisa Takes Her Advanced Degree In Diversity, Summa Cum Batwing.
  106. 2 towns in NJ not destroyed yet
  107. Six feral nigger bucks and one feral sow rob and beat a Mexican fruit vendor in Los Angeles
  108. Stupid cRapper get busted for a loaded .38 in his handbag at Newark Liberty Int'l Airport
  109. Why did the nappy spigger sheboon gouge out her mammy's eyes and put them on a cardboard box?
  110. cRapper says dindu nuffins, arrested after tenderizing its mudshark for talking to someone else
  111. Dijonae shot to goodness by 9-yo nigglet for not handing over the game controller
  112. Buck suspected in its sow's disappearance, gets made good in shootout with police
  113. After 30 years, Georgia finally makes its "Stocking Strangler" nigger good
  114. The After Effects Of Drugs And Burning Coal
  115. Niggers chimp out in Mc D's after getting wrong order.
  116. Derrick and wigger rob a house, try setting it on fire with Ragu on the stove
  117. "Woman" who crashed car into Pembroke Park sheriff's station is a nigger muzzie sow
  118. How many counts of TNB can one crusty old dindu rack up in five months?
  119. CEDRICK The Pimp, Busted!!
  120. THUGGY Can't Stay Out Of Trouble
  121. DAQUAN Back In Jail
  122. Girl invites one nigger for sex, the other two brothers wanted it too.
  123. Rob Gronkowski’s home was burgled during the Superbowl, nigdar confirmed...
  124. A Billion Niggers want to move to US/EU great!
  125. Nigger taunts and sucker punches a 5 year old human child.
  126. She-beasts attack white woman with baseball bats for supposedly being cut off
  127. Machete wielding illegal invader spigger attempts to kidnap children at Nigmart.
  128. Another African Theft Machine Robbed
  129. Two Niggers Steal $300 In Menthols And Booze
  130. DARIUS Shows MUH-DIKK To Uber Drivers
  131. JUMAANE Steals Strippers Money, TORENCE And TREVONNE Get WINGED!!!
  132. LEVERN Robs Dollar General
  133. Hasheem has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder..
  134. Eight grade teacher Michael De’Sean White charged with murder.
  135. Carl Lemon is waiting for the panthers to give the OK to execute every white man he gets his hands on
  136. Sean And His Girlfriend Rapes And Sodomizes The Gay Right Out Of His Autistic Niglet.
  137. Texas chimp voting fraud
  138. Debreaka The Battle Sow Keeps It Real After Getting A Sausage Biscuit It Didn't Order.
  139. It's an epidemic of tranny buck killings
  140. Racist feral dindu sow nabbed for lack of registration sticker..
  141. He was gonna join the Navy n' shieet......
  142. "Teens" attack and kill man for no reason.
  143. Sharika stopped at 5 before she could make it 6
  144. Nigger runs from police and uses car as a boat.
  145. Police identify Dindu found shot and killed in Cincinnati
  146. 9 year old orphan nigger caught with cocaine
  147. DWI dindu from New Jersey charged with four counts of TNB after running out of gas during police chase in New Hampshire
  148. Francho and sow claim they're on a secret government mission after being caught with guns and smoke grenades
  149. Violent buck (is there any other kind) caught after escaping ICE custody
  150. Only a nigger could turn a traffic stop into batwings by reaching for a gun, and it was a passenger
  151. Woman gang raped by niggers and a spigger.
  152. Zimbabwean soldiers demand free sex for removing Mugabe from power
  153. Da powa ub duh taza compel U! Da powa ub duh taza compel U!! Git yo azz owda bedd n praze Jebuz!!
  154. Nigger buck tries to rape 19-year-old inside Chipotle
  155. High Speed (?) Chase in a Stolen Amberlamps
  156. Jamila and Janelle take turns at driving while ignant..
  157. Rufus kidnaps and murders a human teen trying to buy a game console
  158. St Louis dindu sow survives a nigger mating ritual..
  159. 3 nigger sows attack Korean man in korea!
  160. Batwings placed on CDC "scientist", Timothy Cunningham
  161. Driveby niggers actually own up to sumfin
  162. Furry nigger kidnaps and rapes 17 year old.
  163. Nigger can't do math. It was given a deal of 25 years. He refuse it. Now he is doing 65 years!
  164. Nigger chimpsout at road rage.
  165. Nigger rings bell and attacks guy.
  166. South Korean subway riders discover the wonders of diversity
  167. Nigger tells deputy the bag's just vitamins, it turns out to be heroin
  168. Schenectady Schittskin Arrested for Attempted Gun Murder
  169. Stupid Troylet Nigger Steals Dying Man's Credit Cards
  170. Feral nigger Eric Boyd charged with murdering Chris Newsom
  171. Pimpin' ain't so easy for Marquis
  172. Nigdar: "teen" tries carjacking an unmarked LA state trooper vehicle
  173. Former Nigger Felon League buck sent back to NU for violating bail conditions
  174. Nigger slashes people because they asked it to stop playing a siren on a bullhorn
  175. Ultimate dindu excuse: cocaine was in a sow's bag because the wind blew it there
  176. You know it has to be a nigger: burglar urinates in the yard before robbing the house
  177. Niggers robbed and killed a man for his tools?
  178. Just like us: Deandre goes up to woman at a bus stop, slashes her face
  179. Feral Buck Ainsley Was Hongry As A Muhfuggah...Bites Off And Swallows NYPD Cop's Middle Finger.
  180. Mammy And Her Buck Batwing 4 Year-Old Tahjir After He Goes Coo-Coo For Cocoa Puffs And Spills Them.
  181. Nigger 'bites off NYPD officer's middle finger tip and swallows it' during a fight while being arrested for vandalism
  182. This Smells Like Nigger...Crashes Car, Causes Huge Fire, Carjacks Another Vehicle After Beating Woman Senseless..
  183. Nigger sow Senator chimps out on another nigger in bank
  184. 3 Alabama Rape Apes have Some Recreational Group Sex
  185. My Dawg Bobby got batwinged at the K-9 club!
  186. Uncle Recardo has some fine parenting skills
  187. Ky'Andrea gets 11 years for carjacking, originally it got 20 that made its mammy wail
  188. "Boy" uses AR-15 and "teen" uses pistol to threaten neighbors, of course they're niggers!
  189. "Trusted" Nigger Concierge, Guess The Rest
  190. LESHAWN Breaks Into Same C-Store TWENTY Times In 60 Days
  191. SHAROD Can't Control Muh-Dikk
  192. NFL Feetsballer Arrested For Chimping
  193. Feral nignogs in natural habitat
  194. Deon The Crazy Naked Nigger Attacks On The D.C. Metro, Does The TESLA Tango...
  195. Buck and burner drown their niglet
  196. South African nigger flings niglet off of roof
  197. Nigger gets shot and clown shoes stolen, blames two white men
  198. JAKIER And MALIK Bat Wing NAJEE
  199. Buck nigger practices his right to abortion
  200. 2 dindu nothing at Starbucks in Philly
  201. Two nigger cops caught with drugs in Memphis.
  202. Two niggers and a wigger have been robbing businesses across Astoria
  203. Thieving dindu Ralph Nimmons couldn't breathe..
  204. Chimpout at SC Nigger University results in 7 sets of batwings.
  205. Niggers all between 12 and 14 steal a car, crash it, batwings issued for two
  206. Pure TNB: buck turned away from Biltmore mansion, uses its car to ram cops, gets arrested with AK-47 and marijuana
  207. Nigger Parenting Lesson #8: When A Nigglet Cries, Dunk It Head First Into A Toilet Until It Stops.
  208. Nigger kills college kid.
  209. So a nigger goes into a bank and asks for a loan
  210. Dwayne and Dante be keeping it in the family!
  211. Thank Goodness for Chef Boyardee..
  212. Brutal Utah Teenraper Caught
  213. Turdler Shoots It's Felon Factory Mammy
  214. Shitskin Kills Helpless Puppy
  215. Illegal rape ape Uber driver in Quincy Mass makes bail..
  216. Affirmative Actions Strikes Again
  217. Coddler news calls Diante "unarmed," but it was made good because it was crashing into police cars
  218. Hungry sow takes a bath..
  219. Pull Over A Rap Tour Bus, Guess The Rest
  220. Voodoo niggers in Sweden
  221. Jeremaine is a busy nigger, robs 10 businesses and gets shot
  222. The Shit Doesn't Fall Far From The Jenkem Tree
  223. Sheboon overdoses her niglet with benadryl
  224. Nigger tosses his burner in the dumspter where she belongs
  225. Nigger stabs father holding daughter in restaurant, Calif.
  226. Dorl shadow boxes with his six month old niglet, you know the rest
  227. Nigger shoots niggers that were trying to steal his stolen goods
  228. Nigger escapes just before its verdict was announced
  229. Sharia niggers in Nigeria destroy over 200,000 bottles of beer
  230. The Tyrones Go Phone Shopping
  231. Muzzie spades Salim, Abdi, Ali and Jafar come to New Hampshire for a wedding..
  232. Buck nigger shoots 2 year old white girl 9 times with paintball gun
  233. Lamont Killed It's Butt Nugget and Stuffed It In a Suitcase
  234. Monkeys in Tanzania mimic primal nigger behavior
  235. Tranny Paris Assaults Cop After Getting Off Scot Free For Pushing Another Cop Onto The Tracks...
  236. Hero nigger gets shot by gang of other niggers in London.
  237. Two armed black men survive police encounter after shooting at local cops
  238. What Does Andre The Maff Teacher Do When Teaching Maff To Another Buck Fails?
  239. Demonjhea takes a dirt nap....
  240. South African niggers chase doctors away from dying patients, demand money to let them back in
  241. Hightower almost runs over white woman then shoots her for the disrespect
  242. 2 years later nigger family still wants answers and justice
  243. Niggers did armed home invasion while humans were still home. This happened in TX
  244. Nigger cop caught smuggling illegals into the US.
  245. Earrious commits two hours of TNB after shooting his brother
  246. This can't get any better, nigger cops gets killed by stray bullet from gang niggers.
  247. Sow uses stolen identity to get a job, people get suspicious when it can't do the work
  248. Nigger doctor confirms that violent TNB increases with warmer weather
  249. Australia cuck judge gives armed robber nigger the equivalent of probation
  250. Texas gave batwings to a spigger, but don't worry, its victims were niggers